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Authors note regarding image at the end


I see a soft glow of bright light, beaming in the distance, and I turn, as the sharp rays blind me. Charging ahead, I take slow careful strides, the glow brightening, widening, shining. My eyes adjust, clearing out, and a tall metal gate stands high and mighty, guarding the dark forest.

The gates open slowly, the sound of metal screeching against the ground fills my ears, and I step cautiously forward. A tall and thick collection of trees stand tall, waving gently and calmly in the wind, as if in a humble welcome to bystanders.

It seems as though they do not get many visitors.

The sun seems so warm and inviting, yet the eerie glow confuses me to no end. I wonder why such a welcoming warmth could possibly be in such a dark and cold and foggy place.

Stone and marble slabs stand upright on the ground, as I step through the gates, and as I look closely around the whole clearing, I see the same slabs of stone and timbre, some of which are further down in the mud and earth. Buried like a coffin.

What seems as though symbols, possibly words, are scribbled hazily, unclear.

Walking closer to the slabs, the scribbles become clearer. They look like words engraved into the stone, carved by exceptional detail; only possible by the most delicate touches by the most professional hands. I step all the more closer, careful of the slippery mud beneath my feet. The words, I notice, is an obscure and outdated name and a date that seems so impossible to remember considering the time, an ambiguous hyphen between them, perhaps symbolic of the time on earth.

I gasp at this sudden realisation. I am at a graveyard, amongst the dead! My head jolts and turns, left and right, as I frantically search for a way out. I see the gates that once showed welcome, yet, now they show disdain and scorn as the metal fence starts closing up.

I begin to feel trapped, the precious oxygen harshly escaping from my ripped out lungs, the gates squeezing them and squeezing them until they burst and shatter to millions of tiny pieces. No more.

I feel suffocated.

I run as fast as my achy feet can carry me, my footfalls thudding harshly yet stealthily, as I attempt to get through before they fully close on me. I trip on the ever more slippery ground, the wind howling in cheers and hoots and bellows, as if mocking me of my pitiful attempt to escape.

Too late!

The gates of death and fate close with a bang, a loud lock soon following after, and I lean against a tree, sliding to the ground in obvious defeat.

I am stuck here with no way whatsoever out.

I have invaded, and I have to pay the consequences on the unknown attack.

I am trapped.


I know the picture has a moon and not a sun, but the original picture I had to describe, I don't have, so I had to improvise.

Plus, use your imagination and imagine it as a sun.

But, I hope you liked that.


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