Betrayal and Regret

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Peace and quiet.

That's all she wanted. The calm and refreshingly gentle sway of the wind, the relaxing and soulful sound of the ocean hitting the rocks on the beach, the entertaining noises of the nearby wildlife.

Was that too much to ask for?

While it was peaceful and tranquil on the outside, on the inside, inside Veronica's overloaded mind, negative thoughts were stirring and thrashing wildly in a raging rampage like a forceful storm, contemplating her life somewhat.

With all the things happening around her and being sleep deprived, you'd think she'd be too restless for any thoughts to be processing her brain. All of her emotions were held back, pushed back, forced away from the forefront of her mind.

And like an angry blustery storm, they came back at her in vengeance, audacity, incredulity; furious for being pushed back so violently sudden. Now she bares the consequences; not just physically, but also mentally.

She was tired.

She was tired of everything.

All the raging emotions took too much of a toll on her body. The pain, the grief, the anger, the hurt, the utmost betrayal one could ever feel. All swirling through Veronica's mind, heart and soul.

But it wasn't her choice.

She didn't ask for this, but got it anyway.

Veronica was on her way home, after a long stressful day at work, and she was glad. All she wanted to do, was get into comfortable clothes, and sit on the sofa: with a glass of wine and reruns of Grey's anatomy on the television.

But what did she come home to?

Absolute betrayal.

The worst emotion anyone could possibly feel.

A long lasted affair between her partner and best friend; which, unbeknownst to her, had been going on for a few months.

They had both attempted to hide that, but the damage had already been done.

In that moment, anger took control of her.

How dare he cheat on her? How dare he try to act faithful and loving, when he's just like every other cheating person in the world?

Like a bull that saw red, she had charged full belt at the two wrapped in sheets, trying to dress themselves, while sputtering out excuses and apologies.

Her friend stood up in fear of what she was gonna do.

Veronica lifted her hand, pummeling her palm against her cheek, a following loud slap echoing throughout the room.

In that moment, she lost two of the most important people in her life. Those who she shared her valuable secrets, love, and trust to.

But she is glad, because now those two deceitful traitors cannot hurt her more than they already had.

Since that day, she focused her time on work, becoming a workaholic, to forget that far from relaxing day. With busying her mind, she managed to forget. But, with time to spare, and no distractions, time came back with all those crushing emotions, crashing into her like a splash of icy cold water to her face.

Those less than refreshing blasts of thoughts, thudded in painfully, making it difficult for her to overcome them, easier for her mind to succumb to the pain and negativity of her dangerous thoughts.

The image of betrayal: it is engrained deeply in every corner and crevice of her brain.

Unable to hide the pain.

But she has learnt something from this turbulent experience.

It was that, she was to never on any circumstance, take trust in a person as easily as she had. To be less gullible, to be less stupid. And to be more wary, to be more hard.

To simply save herself from feeling those ongoing emotions.

To save herself.

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