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Your home. Earth. It is beautiful, coloured in earthly greens, translucent blues, floss like wisps of white, and to look at it from far up in space...no words could possibly describe it. Not really. But, beyond Earth, beyond the place you call the solar system, hovers another, untouched (kind of) world. This planet, is much similar to Earth. Yet, it's completely different.

While Earth is full of life, light, beauty and wonder, the planet miles and miles away, Celestria, while similar to Earth -same colours- is shrouded by a darkness so dark, that from afar it looks like a black hole in space. It reeks of unimaginable death, where the most evil of creatures roam. And true, you must pass through a vortex, a black void of blackness with no amount of oxygen, but, it shines in sparkle like a perfectly polished shoe. The blue oceans of water: a glistening well of sparkling sapphire, green, dark and miserable forests cover what little land there is: a dirty green emerald, no shine, no beauty, the clouds: grey and dark and thick like cobwebs, so much so that it completely obscures the suns rays.

There is day and night, of course, it's a given, however, there are no seasons, just cold, grey and dark skies.

It's impossible to get there, right?

Wrong. Because, there is one way of getting there. Just one. It's simple really. It's right under your noses. You look at them every single day. It's what you use to cheat, to see mirror images of things.

Remember the vortex I told you about, the void that is in between Earth and Celestria. That, is how you cross it. I don't mean that you go to space and try to find Celestria. Oh no. Definitely not. That's like going into an attack blind. Plus, you'll never find the place. You never know the dangers. No. There's a much more simpler approach, a more affordable way of crossing between planets.

How? you ask.

Portals. That's what. How is it possible? Well, I may as well increase the tension right? Haha, like I'll tell you mongrel humans. Pffft. I'll just give you one more hint (yes, I've given hints, you are just not smart enough to understand). The hint is, that Celestria is a mirrored image of Earth -so to speak- and....no no no. I won't tell you anymore. I know you humans are as nosy as your next door neighbour(s).

But, I'll give you a little glimpse into my world, which yes people, I am from. You could also guess that I am not human, like obviously. And yes, Celestria isn't a human world, and no, were are not aliens.

So, close your eyes, concentrate on this story and...


It wraps around the room in an impenetrable bubble, cloudy, hazy, unclear. It surrounds every part -from every inch and crevice- of the room, full, weightless, unbreakable. It completely obscures them like a blanket, far from soft, warm, comforting.

In fact, it's painful. A curse. It's like you are suffocating in a tight bag, the lack of oxygen unable to be  made fast enough to dampen and fill your lungs. It's a slow -so extremely slow- process, like a shot to the stomach, it hurts, giving out spurts of heat and releasing your energy and life force, till it's all gone.

The dark grey wisps of clouds rolls in and over their sky. They cover completely over Celestria, encasing the people in a cold and tense atmosphere. The feeling chills their bones, almost as if a chill is travelling around their spines.

The silence never wavers.

Until in a sudden grasping movement, the horrid bubble of pain and silence lifts, the oxygen slamming into their lungs in a quick and violent moment, that it chokes them, it's almost as if some invisible force, some invisible hand, is pressing on their necks, holding it in a deadly vice grip, enough to kill. Moans of pain, chokes and pleas for help, screams to stop, those painful wails resonate the room, filling in the once silence, and replacing it with horrifying shrill of cries.

Book Of NarrativesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz