Half Formed Image

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The translucent and sparkling crystalline shores greet her toes as she dips her feet into the soft lake. The water is calm and serene, not a movement to be seen, as the waves project the sky in a mirror image of beauty and wonder. Of mother nature. It's almost as if she is looking through a mirror, showcasing her earthly exotic allure. Looking up at the sky, Annette recounts a memory-one from long ago-that sprouts up to the forefront of her mind. The wind flows in gentle wisps around her. It lulls her into a peaceful state of that wondrous reminiscence, that helps coax her into a silence of nothingness.

Her eyelids close pleasantly.

She finds she doesn't need to concentrate too hard to recollect the fantasy-all she does do is simply let go of the present, and let the past wrap around her mind, creating a barrier like a shield, protecting her from the reality of life. It encourages the memory, hugging her tight like an embrace from her mother. The dream stems up, coming to life like a baby waking up in her mother's arms for the very first time. It's amazing. To feel your mother skin on skin, to feel the security, as if you are safe, loved, protected. But what she doesn't realise, is that even shields can break.

The silent darkness changes, brightens and forms into an image, a warm, beautiful, intoxicating image.

Annette smiles an amazingly stunning grin, eccentric and overflowing with such joy that it radiates an overwhelmingly joyous heat, one that glows quicker than even the sun. It shines bright and wide, it caresses the surroundings like a gentle touch of the hand, it gives off a wise aura, one like that of an eighty year old whose seen so much life come and go, like the crashes of waves against a rocky beach. She is in a content mood so strong, that nothing-no sudden noise, no crack of wind, no breath of mother nature-could break into it.

She looks around her until she spots the most important person in her life-her girlfriend.

If possible, Annette's smile brightens even further, so much so that it would travel the whole expanse of the world, there and back, and even have enough energy left to radiate warmth throughout the entirety of her surroundings. ceasing all chilly wind around her. A bubble of serenity encases her in a manner so peaceful. It protects her from the violent winds, protects her from reality, protects her from life. Annette hears the treading of her girlfriend, whom has come ever closer, and she looks up once more, realising her bubble is breaking (as her girlfriend only appears to be a half formed image). It seems to be something so shrewd, that has the audacity to break her peace.

From what she could recall, even from the disintegrating and fading memory, was her girlfriend's lusciously light locks of the most shiniest gold, one would ever see. It was pure. Just like her. They cascaded down her back in waves, flowing to her waist like a river of gold. Her eyes, however, contrast wonderfully to her fiery hair, hazel orbs with flares of green and flakes of blue. Her utter beauty reflects the purity of her heart and of her soul.

Her surroundings change once more, going back to real life. Annette's smile fades like the fading of the sun.

She tries, so so hard, to grip onto the past. But she cannot hold on. She blinks. Everything is gone-the growth of the memory, the happiness inside her little bubble, and most importantly, her girlfriend. It's all gone. No remnants are to be seen. Annette lets out a huge wail of pain and grief, and her reality comes slamming into her mind. The light of the beauty of nature disappears, the joy of life goes away, everything ceases to exist. And in its place lies a darkness so cold, so intimidating, so hair raising, that it shakes Annette to her utter core. Fright. It now replaces the serenity, a cold tickling sensation teasing her painfully along her now chilled bones. It tears into her like a knife. The knife that broke into her bubble.

A small tear escapes the corner of her eye.

The thing is, something she was too enthralled to notice, was the fact that nothing can be real, not if it is a nostalgic memory. It simply cannot be true, not if something appeared to be half formed. And, unfortunately, Annette didn't realise this until too late. And now, her limited bubble of false hope is shattered forever... 

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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