Love Prevails

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I was just doing some maths revision, and had this sudden thought of a strange story I thought of in my head (as I have lots of story plots in my head, but can never turn them into stories as they aren't as good as they are in my head) and decided to write it here. It's kinda like love's reminiscence, happy like, no death or any negativity -but this isn't gonna be a full time thing (i hope not at least), unless you count the character hugely picking on the human race as negativity (honestly I was just getting into character, as writers do that -they do do that don't they? Am I the only one to do that? Oh, I don't even care, as all writer's are different- ugh, I'm rambling. Anyway, I have to warn you though, it gets a little strange towards the end, like a mention of certain activities that would possibly make this unsuitable for younger readers -again, it depends on how you see it, as some are more sensitive than others- so I just decided to grace you with my words of honesty.

Pfft, like I'm honest. Cos' no one is actually, as we all have probably done bad things in the past. Some are just worse than others.

Anyway, I'll stop talking now, and let you read it. And to judge it for yourself. Oh, and if you don't like it, then just keep it to yourself. Thank you

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