Arctic Beauty

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When I look at this picture I see, a vast icy ocean with great piles of polystyrene, as flimsy as paper, aimlessly floating away, never to be seen again. The wonderfully fluffy and the chilling cold snow, one of nature's creations, breaking and shattering like the most delicate glass, yet melting and drifting and disappearing away. Dying off.

Just like humans.

We get given beauty as far as the eye can see, such a beauty that is the world: blue crystal clear waters, deep green forests, warm orange deserts. The world is what we make of it. Yet, we destroy it. With every cold-hearted decision one makes, with every arrogance and selfishness one can posess, with every time we go to war to kill oneself; we destroy it.

The world is dying.

We all know it, but that threat of us being no more doesn't affect us. It is billions of years away, right? Yet, it is not about then, it is about now. The arctic is dying. Slowly. With every bear struggling to find stable land, to every chunk of melting ice, not wanting to melt away like it was nothing.

Just like our humanity.

It foreshadows our lives as humans, as the inhabitants of our home, of our earth. All our memories that are engraved by time on marble slabs, all our greatest of successes passed on from generation to generation, all our histories written on pieces of nature's paper and books. They will be destroyed, they will disappear. There will be nothing left. Forgotten.

We are dying.

So why not just accept that as our fate? Why try to make life better, when the world will die off eventually? However this may be, I believe this can change. I believe our world will get better. Whether it be eco-friendly productions, protests to changing our behaviours and actions to our society, or even deciding to accept the people around you or accepting yourself. It doesn't matter. As long as we do something to change our life for the better, it would be the start of an improved society, an improved life, an improved world.

That's got to be worth it, right?

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