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[ Dasun's POV ]

It was a casual day today. I was hanging out with my favorite best friend, Jiseo. She was my best friend since I was 5. We're like childhood friends. Recently she had a new boyfriend. His name is Mark. She never tells me her ex-boyfriend. Now, I'm trying to find my first boyfriend.

"So? Do you meet cute guys yesterday?" she asked.

"No, it was so hard to find cute and nice guys," I answered.

"Come on girl! You've already 23 years old and still don't have a boyfriend," she said.

"You're so lucky!" I said.

"How's Mark? Is he a good guy? Did he cheat?" I ask.

"He's a good guy. And he never cheated. Yesterday, he bought me flowers," she answered.

"It's already late, I have to go now. Bye!" I said.

"Bye!" she waves to me.

When walking home, I still think about how do I get a boyfriend. My house is so far and I literally have to walk.

"Hey!" said a guy that I didn't know.

I didn't want to look back because I was too scared. But finally, I barely looked back and...

"Um... hello. Are you walking home alone?" said the guy to me.

I see his face. He was gorgeous. He has pink hair. He looks so cute. His smile is so sweet. Then my heart started beating so fast.

"Uh. Yeah. I'm Dasun by the way," I said.

"I'm Jaemin. Want to ride? I brought my car." he asks.

"No, thanks. I can walk home alone," I answered.

"What if there's a GHOST!?!?" he scares me.

"Okay, whatever," I said.

I jumped to his car and sat nicely. I didn't know he can drive. I love guys who can drive.

"So? How old are you?" he asks.

"I'm 23 years old, how about you?" I said.

"I'm 24 years old," he answered.

15 minutes later, I arrived at my house. He was so nice.

"Can I have your number?" he asks.

"Sure," I answered.

I walked out of his car. He waved at me. I waved at him. For me, that night is a special night. My mom thought he was my boyfriend. I said no, but I know that he will be my boyfriend someday.

\ skip \

Jiseo and I decided to meet again the next day. We really often meet together. She was like my twin sister.

"So? Did you find a cute boy?" she asks.

I don't know why, but she always asks me the same question every time we met.

"Yeah. He drives me home" I answered.

"What's his name? How old is he? Did he really liked you?" she asks.

"His name is Jaemin, he's 2-" I said.

"WTF, THAT JAEMIN, WITH PINK HAIR?!" she asks again.

"Uh yeah. What's up with that?" I said


"Why? Did he cheat? He looks like a nice guy." I ask.


"Chill. Now let's just get some Americano okay?" I said.

"Okay," she answers.

After a couple of hours, we left the café. We walked to the mall and go shopping. But we met someone in the mall. That Jiseo doesn't want to look at.

To be continued...

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