[ 4 ]

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[ Jaemin's POV ]

Her room was messy. She has a lot of Korean boy's posters. Her room was all blue. I guess she liked that color. Her room has that rose scent. I sat at her bed.

"So... did you and Jiseo became friends again?" I ask.

"I already contact her, but she didn't answer," she answered.

"I'm really sorry for messing you're a relationship with Jiseo," I said.

"Ahh, that's okay. I still have many friends other than Jiseo." she said.

"Want to go to the garden? I heard there's a festival," I ask.

"Oh, okay. I'm going to go change first," she said.

Then she goes to her bathroom to change her outfit.

Then she goes to her bathroom to change her outfit

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"Is this good enough?" she asks.

"That's perfect!" I said.

I never saw Dasun wear a skirt before. She always wears jeans or shorts. Now she really looked like a princess. We asked her mom before we go to the festival. It was so crowded. We buy ice cream and play games. It was 9 pm. Now it's time to ask her something. We walked to a bench that we're really far from the festival. We sat at that bench.



"I know we only met 3 days ago,"


"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Oh. Sure,"

My heart started beating so fast after she said that. Then the moment became so awkward. Suddenly Dasun holds my hand. Then, she gives me a soft kiss.

"Do you promise never to let me go not like Jiseo?" she asks.

"I would never let you go. I promise,"

then we say goodbye. I was so nervous, but I guess she accepts me.

To be continued...

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