[ 6 ]

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[ jaemin's pov ]

Yesterday, Dasun go on an interview. I thought it was a normal day, that no one will replace me. but then I saw a guy who's freaking sitting with Dasun. My heart broke. Now, I have a competition. The next day, Dasun ask me to drive her to the office. I bet she got accepted. I drop her at the front of the office. That guy is there. Standing with a wide smile. Dasun was smiling too. Dasun said that I should wait inside the office. Then I met someone.

"So? What are you doing here?"

Jiseo with mark. Ugh.

"I'm waiting for Dasun. Why are you two here?!"

"This is Mark's oppa office tho."

Wait, what?! So Dasun will be in the same with my ex's best friend?!

"Listen, I don't hate you Jaemin. I'm sorry. Now, I'm trying to live my happy life with mark oppa. So, don't disturb me again."

Before I break up with Jiseo, we're a happy couple. I love her so so much. Then she left me. it was so heartbroken. I don't want to have the same accident as Dasun.

I've been waiting for her for 3 hours. Then she came down the stairs.

"Let's go. I'm done here," she said.

She jumped in my car.

"So, what did he ask you?" I ask.

"You're right. He asks me to be his girlfriend," she said.

"Then what did you say?!" I said.

"I said no. don't worry Jaemin. I will always be by your side," she said.

Wow, that was a relief. But I still have a feeling that she will cheat on me. I also have a feeling that I will cheat on her. Somehow.

"How about we go on a date?" I ask.

"What a nice idea!" she said.

We go to a fancy restaurant. We ordered some food. Then we talked for a while.

"Dasun, I met Jiseo at the office," I said.

"Really?! What did she say?!"

"She said that Mark Hyung works in the same office as you,"

"Oh, her boyfriend..."

"Will you keep a promise that you will not be close with Mark Hyung?"

"Anything for you :)"

To be continued...

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