[ 9 ]

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[ dasun's POV ]

It was pretty busy today. I have to do all of my paperwork for tomorrow. Mark Oppa too. I wish Jaemin was by my side. Then I hang out with my favorite best friend, Jiseo. I arrive at the café. And there is she, sitting at the pink chair.

"I met Jaemin yesterday, at the mini-market."

"What did he say?!" she asks.

"He said that he's happy to see me again. Then he asked me if he can go to my house."

"Really?!" she said.

"Yeah. I was so nervous."

"You said that you and he are now frenemies! Now your friends again?!"

"Yeah, even though we broke up, we can still be friends."

"Hey, I have to go now. See you!"

She leaves the café. Then someone called me. it's mom. She wanted me to go to my house. At my house, there's my freaking manager sitting on my couch where Jaemin seated the last time.

"Sweetie, this guy came into our house. His name is Lee Jaehoon. He wants to be your fiancé" she said.


I rushed to my room crying. I noticed that maybe Jaemin had this same thing too. I better message him.

| Dasun |

Hey, I really need to talk to you.

| Jaemin |


| Dasun |

I'm going to get married soon to Lee Jaehoon, my office manager.

| Jaemin |

Oh. I just wanted to say something.

| Dasun |


| Jaemin |

Have a happy life. I will always support you.

| Dasun |

Thanks, you too.

Think Dasun, think. How to not get married to Jaehoon. Should I run away? I guess. Ugh, I better sleep for tomorrow. Suddenly, there's someone knocking in the window. I freaking scared. Then someone called my name.

"Dasun! It's me Jaemin!"

Jaemin?! Why is he here?! It's literally midnight. I opened the window. Yep, he's totally Jaemin. The weird thing is, why is he holding a big suitcase?

"It's literally midnight, what are you doing in here?!"

"Let's run away, together."

"No way. My mom will be angry you idiot."

"Oh really? Don't your mom support you and me together?"

"I don't know."

"Asked her tomorrow. I know this sounds very challenging, but you have to trust me."

To be continued...

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