Trapped inside

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Everything seems ok. Brains good, knees hurt a bit, arms good, heart....not so good. What's happening to you?

It's nothing trust me. I've been the same every other day, today is no different.

Are you sure? Because we could say otherwise...

Who's we?

The rest of your body... we know somethings up. We aren't eating very good, we get tired too often, we don't feel like doing much but we want to do lots. What is wrong, something is up...

Fine... fine I'll tell you...

I failing...I'm not doing so good...I'm tired...I'm exhausted... I'm not getting the care I need. I am breaking.

This still isn't about her is it?

Yes....yes it is. I need her. We have done so much, and we hesitated to do what we should have. We are still recovering from the last major complication. We put the shields up at the wrong time, we denied medicine we needed because we thought we were doing the right thing. We need healing immediately or we won't survive.

What do you mean...won't survive? Your functioning ok aren't you?

We are badly hurt, we can't last much longer if things don't change. Do you not see what we are doing? Do you not feel how different we are?

We do, we feel it.

We are lowering our defence, we are giving it all we got. We need her to know how we feel. We've held back at the wrong times. We have spoken our feels to the max, and it was ineffective. We need to do this one last thing, but of course we need your permission. I mean it's going to affect you too brain...and maybe some other parts of us, but if we succeed, I guarantee you, we will be in much better shape. We would have the fuel to do more, the confidence to participate more, and better yet, live a better life.

What you say is all true, but at a great price. We can't just do "anything" to her to show her we like her. You need to restrain yourself a bit heart. We will do this but we need to rethink our approach. And let me ask you, what happens if this doesn't work?

I honestly do not know...we could be able to wait, but there will be injuries no matter what to heal from. Like I mentioned, we are still healing.

So if you are still healing then why are you still pushing for this?

Because we need her, her....

You love her?! She's mislead us one too many times and you say you love her?! Are you mad.....


Sorry about that....but seriously, you can't say you love her. You can say you like her a lot, but love??? It's too soon.

Is it really? We were in love for the last 3 years...your telling me we don't know what love it?

What you want is affection and to be understood. You want to be heard correct?

Yes that's right.

Yeah that's not love. It's only been a month that we have hung out with her.

It's been 2 years since we developed feelings for her....

.....I remember... but still it's not love. Unless you can tell me what makes you say it's love.

Like I have told you, we said all we could, we can only show it now. You seen it, you know what we want... are you with us or not?

We'll see.....

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