Keep Holding On. {Book 3 of You're A Dad} Chapter 2: Justin

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Hope you guys like this chapter :)

Question: Would you guys like it if I wrote a Hunger Games fan-fic? (: Tell me in the comments!

Question 2: What do you want to happen in this book? Tell me in the comments as well. xo



I was in studio with Khloe. She wanted to try out the recording booth equipment, so I was gonna make her sing something and do all the stuff, then explain it to her while we listen to what she’s recorded.

“Alright, you ready Khlo?” I ask and Khloe gives me a thumbs up before putting on the headphones and getting ready to sing. “So remember, if you really like it, we can have it put on a CD for Auntie Selena,” I smiled and Khloe nodded, obviously in the zone. Now I see why Savannah says that Khloe is like me. I see it now. I pressed play on the instrumental music and worked on the editing … which I didn’t need a lot of. Khloe has talent, and her talent is completely natural. She was born with it.

“Who says? Who says you’re not perfect?” Khloe sang and I took out my iPhone, taking a picture of her in the booth and putting it on Instagram.

Justinbieber: my beautiful daughter is taking a shot at recording. How will she be? You guys will find out soon enough. #WatchOutForKhloe

I listened to Khloe sing and relaxed at the same time, because she doesn’t need any editing or auto-tune. She’s completely amazing without it.


“Who says you’re not beautiful? Who says?” Khloe finished and I started clapping, giving her a hug as she walked out of the booth. “How was I?” She asked, sounding a little worried. Worried about everything, that’s the part of her that’s like her mother.

“Khloe, relax. You were brilliant. Have you ever thought about being a singer?” I asked and Khlo nodded her head slowly.

“Yeah. I remember once when I was five I watched one of your concerts and to mom I said that I wanted to be like you,” She says quietly and I smile proudly. “Would that be able to happen for me? Or would people only like me because I’m your daughter?” Khloe asked and I shrugged.

“Well, I know tomorrow we can come back and record a few more songs. And then, I’ll talk to Reid about all this. How does that sound?” I asked and kissed the top of my daughter’s head.

“That sounds great, Daddy!” Khloe smiles. “Now I can’t wait for tomorrow! But can we go to the mall? I wanna go shopping!” She suggests and I laugh.

“Anything for you,” I smile and we head out of the studio and to the car.

“So where do you want to go to first?” I asked and Khloe shrugged.

“I like the American Apparel hoodies … ooh! Can I get a grey one like Mom said that you had? She always talks about how it’s her favourite hoodie of yours!” Khloe bursts out happily and I laugh.

“We’ll go there at the end. I promise,” I smile and my phone buzzes. I take it out of my pocket and see that Savannah’s calling, so I answer and smile even bigger.

“Hey Justin. Are you and Khlo still at the studio?” Savannah asked and I sighed.

“Nope. Khloe wanted to go to the mall, so that’s where we are. Why?” I ask and this time, Savannah sighs. “Sav, babe, what’s wrong?” I asked again and she sighs once more.

“It’s that I-I-I just got some news and I um, really need you right now,” Savannah says, sounding like she’s on the verge of tears.

“Okay, babe. We’ll be back in half an hour. Can you wait until then?” I asked and she sighs for the third time.

“Yeah, I’ll try. Just be fast, okay?”

“I’ll be fast. Khloe just wants to get the grey hoodie that I had in One Time,” I smiled and I heard Savannah giggle on the other end of the line. I laughed and turned Khloe around in the direction of American Apparel. “I’m glad that you at least giggled. Okay, well, I’m gonna take Khlo to American Apparel and the Apple store to pick up her new iPod touch and new iPod touch case. Bye, I love you.”

“Bye Justin, I love you too,” She says and we hang up at the same time. Khloe then looks at me with confusion on her face.

“Your mom wants us home early this time. Remember what happened the last time we didn’t show up before dinner?” I ask and Khloe giggles, nodding her head. “So come on, we’ll go to the Apple store and American Apparel and then head home. So that your mother doesn’t get mad at us,” I said and Khloe smiles happily, running to and into the Apple store ahead of us.

Geez, she’s excited for that new iPod.

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