Keep Holding On. {Book 3 of You're A Dad} Chapter 11: Savannah

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  • Dedicated to Avalanna

R.I.P Avalanna Routh. You are the guardian angel for the Bieber family ... but you were taken away from us at such a young age. My prayers are with your family. <3


Monday was my best day ever guys. 

My crush, Adam - who doesn't really know my name-, is absolutely perfect. Anywho, ok so I'll let you kow that we made eye contact in the hallway and when my friend & I were away from him I freaked out and sigh. He's so perfect with his blonde, flippy hair and gorgeous blue eyes ... sigh.


Anyway, this is the second-to-last chapter. Tomorrow, I will be posting the final chapter & then on Thursday I will be posting a Justin Bieber short story, so I hope that you guys'll like it. :)

P.S 'Graham' is Drake's last name haha. Just telling you in case you get confused when you read it.



Justin stopped in front of the hospital, looking at me with tears welling up in his eyes. He kisses me on the cheek and takes my hand in his, squeezing my hand reassuringly.

“Stay strong, Savannah,” Justin says and kisses me once more. “I just have to go to the studio for a bit but then I’ll come back and be with you.”

I sigh and kiss him quickly. “I love you baby,” I say and slowly get out of the car. Justin gives me a reassuring smile and I fake one back, which doesn’t convince him but he drives out of the parking lot. I sigh and zip-up my jacket, the cold wind making me freeze. I quickly run to the front doors of the hospital and, once I feel a little warmer, I walk right up to the front desk and the receptionist looks right up at me, and I don’t even have to say anything.

“Mrs. Graham is on the second floor, down the hall to your left and she’s in the third room on your right,” She says and I turn to walk away, but the receptionist grabs my wrists. “Our prayers are with her. Everyone here doesn’t want Selena to pass, so they’re doing everything they can to help her,” The receptionist tells me and I wipe a lone tear from my eye.

When I walk into Selena’s hospital room, I burst into tears at the sight of my best friend hooked up to machines with IV tubes in her. The sight just breaks me down and I collapse into this heap of tears on the floor. Drake, stronger than I thought he was, picked me up and placed me on the couch in the room, hugging me as I cried. Drake’s always been like the older brother that I’ve always wanted, driving me to places, teasing me about Justin and Drake’s always been there for me.

“Shh, Savannah,” Drake whispers to me and I still sob. “Everything’s gonna be okay! Selena’s gonna be fine. I promise you,” He whispers again, but tears still pour down my face … and I saw a paparazzi flash from outside. Oh Lord, can’t they just leave us alone?

“Wh-what did the doctors say about her condition? Have you told Holly yet?” I asked and Drake shook his head.

Drake sighs. “I haven’t talked to Holly yet. She’s with Selena’s parents in Disneyland, and I don’t want to ruin the trip for her.” I hug him tightly and cry into his shoulder. Why? Why has there been so much trouble and pain in my life? I know, I know. I got pregnant at sixteen, but I didn’t abandon the baby. I kept her and raised her alongside Justin, the two of us becoming so much more responsible everyday.

Why can’t anything go right?

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