Keep Holding On. {Book 3 of You're A Dad}

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// June 15th, 2021 //


“There,” I smiled as I finished French-braiding Khloe’s hair. She stood up and hugged me, while I hugged her back and gave her a kiss on the cheek.  “Be good for Selena and Drake okay?” I asked and Khloe nodded her head, grabbing her overnight bag and heading to the front door. I got up and heard Justin chasing Noah and Bella around upstairs, which made me smile.

“Daddy no! Don’t tickle us!” I hear them yell and I just start laughing and head upstairs, which distracts Justin. He smiles and hugs me, giving me a kiss on the cheek. “Eww! COOTIES!” The twins giggle and cover their eyes with their hands. Justin and I laugh and I go into their shared bedroom, grabbing the overnight bags that were sitting on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed.

“Come on you two. Auntie Selena and Uncle Drake are gonna come to get you guys soon,” I handed them their bags and they ran downstairs, Justin and I slowly following behind them. The doorbell rang and Khloe opened it, hugging whoever was there.

“Hey Khloe! Are you all ready to go?” Selena asks and all three kids nod their heads. Khloe, Noah and Bella all turned around, hugging Justin and I a couple times before racing to the car. Selena laughs and hugs me and Justin. “Have fun tonight guys … but not too much fun. You’ve already got your hands full with three kids,” She winks and I laugh, while Justin kisses me on the cheek.

“We’ll try not to, Sel. But I know I can’t promise anything,” Justin smirks, winking at me. Selena and I laugh, and she also rolls her eyes. “Anyway, thanks for doing this. Sav and I haven’t had any alone time in a long time,” Justin says, while Selena hugs us both before leaving.

“It’s no problem. We love having the trio at our house. It always makes Holly really happy to have more kids around. I’ll see y’all tomorrow!” She smiles and then walks down the pathway to where her car was waiting. Justin and I waved and then I closed the door, which is when Justin started placing kisses on my neck and on my jaw line.

“Justin. Justin, don’t do this to me,” I said and turned around to face him, giving him a quick peck on the lips. “I have an idea on what we can do!” I smiled and Justin raised an eyebrow. “Remember how we used to go to Wal-Mart and just be insane?” I asked and Justin smiled, nodding his head.

“Go get changed and we’ll go in fifteen, okay?” He asked and I smiled, running upstairs, into our room and changed into light blue short-shorts, a white tank-top and threw on a couple of bracelets and also tied my hair back into a ponytail. I ran back downstairs where Justin was waiting for me. He was wearing a black v-neck, a pair of jeans, red supras and a red-on-black Obey hat. I grabbed my black Vans and pulled them on quickly.

“Let’s go Justin!” I smiled and grabbed his hand, leading him to the Range Rover … that is like my favourite car EVER.


“Okay, Savannah, get in the cart,” Justin smiles and I laugh, hopping into the cart in one swift movement. Once I was in the cart, I turned around and sat down so that I was facing Justin. “Wow babe, that was so swift that Taylor would be proud,” He winks and I slap his arm lightly.

“Shut up,” I smile and take a list out of my pocket, “Okay, we can’t be teenagers the whole time we’re here, so let’s save that for the end. But we really need to stop at aisle five first,” I said the last part of my sentence quickly and quietly, while staring at the ground. Justin sighed and “drove” the cart to aisle five, stopping at the shelf with the boxes of pregnancy tests. I grabbed a box and then Justin cupped my face in his hands, kissing me passionately. He rested his forehead against mine and then kissed my nose.

“I love you, no matter what. I love you even if you are carrying my next child, because nothing would make me happier,” Justin smiles and kisses me passionately again, causing me to blush.

“I love you too, Justin. I love you no matter what,” I said and kissed Justin back, very passionately. He smiled and started “driving” the cart again.

“Seriously babe. I love you,” Justin smiles, as we move onto the next thing on our list. I made him stop the cart, went on my knees and kissed Justin again. I sat back down and smiled.

“Seriously babe. I love you,” I smiled and Justin smiled again, happy thoughts obviously running through both of our heads. I love Justin Bieber. I love Justin Bieber.

Did I mention that I love Justin Bieber?


Whoa holy fudge. Book 3. 

Tbh, I never ever thought that You're A Dad would get this far. This is crazy.

I swear, y'all are amazing.

Thank you all for everything. I swear, what we have here is special, and I love you guys so much.


Keep Holding On. {Book 3 of You're A Dad}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ