Keep Holding On. {Book 3 of You're A Dad} Chapter 10: Savannah

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Some drama for the last two chapters.

But don't worry, there will be a happy ending for this series, I promise.

I think we all need a dose of happiness nowadays.



Justin sat me down on the couch and just looked at me, his eyes scanning every inch of my face. I took a hold of his hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

“Justin, you’re worrying me. Please tell me what’s wrong!” I said and he ran his fingers through my hair before taking a deep breath in and out.

“It-it-it-is about Drake and Selena. Drake went and picked Selena up and they were gonna come here to visit but th-th-they …” Justin trailed off and tears started rolling down his cheeks. I wiped them away with my thumb and intertwined my fingers with his.

“Baby, what happened to them? Are they ok?” I ask, tears welling up in my eyes. Justin looks up at me, with his big brown eyes, and tells me news that I’ve never wanted to hear in my life.

“They were in a car crash. Drake’s just got a few minor scratches, but Selena … Selena’s got a couple of major injuries. They’re not sure if she’s gonna make it,” Justin whispers … but I hear everything. Tears start streaming down my face as I bolt up the stairs and into our bedroom. I start bawling and just can’t control my tears. I just lost my father, I DO NOT want to lose my best friend within the same time frame. I can’t lose Selena. I just can’t. She’s like my older sister, she helped me and Justin get back together, she helped me take care of all three of my kids when Justin would be away on tour and Selena’s just been there for me.

I don’t wanna lose an important part of my life. It’s funny … this life we have. It’s funny how long it takes to develop a life, and it’s funny how easy it is to take away one. Anyway, back to the hell that is now my life. I hear a faint knocking on the door and then someone walk in … obviously its Justin, no one else is home. They lie down on the bed and pull me close to their body, running their fingers through my hair.

“Baby, please don’t cry like this,” He whispers to me and places little kisses up my neck and places a couple on my jaw line. “My heart shatters because I can’t stand to see you cry. Beautiful girls aren’t supposed to,” Justin says and I turn myself around to face him. He wipes away my tears and kisses my slowly. When he pulls away, I look straight into the chocolate brown orbs that belong to my husband.

“I don’t deserve you Justin,” I whisper and he looks at me, surprised.

Justin kisses me again and then plays with the ends of my hair. “What do you mean? Sav, you are my life,” He says and intertwines our fingers together. I sigh and kiss him on the cheek.

“Justin, you are perfect. You’re sweet, charming, intelligent, breath-taking and the best husband and the best father in the world. I couldn’t ask for more,” I giggle and tap my finger on his cute nose, and my giggle makes him smile. Justin leans in and then kisses the tip of my nose, his index finger tracing the outline of my face.

“I don’t deserve you Savannah. There have been times where I’ve treated you terribly, but you stayed and when I was feeling stressed from touring and all the work I have to do, you were there for me,” Justin smiles and starts tracing my jaw line, slowly but with his eyes on me, as though he was taking in every detail of the face he sees from the moment he wakes up, until the moment when he goes to sleep. “Savannah, you are perfect. The way you care about anyone and everyone is just amazing, which is why you are the best thing about my life. The kids are never upset about anything, my mom couldn’t have approved more of you when we started dating and my fans are absolutely on your side, no matter what. No one wants to see you cry, and I’m so sure that your father, who is watching you from above, is the one who wants you to be happy the most. Do that for him please,” Justin says and I kiss him, the sparks flying as soon as he kissed back.

We pull away and Justin’s phone buzzes in his pocket. He takes it out and looks at the lit up screen. “It’s Drake. He wants us to visit as soon as we can,” Justin tells me and I sigh.

“Tell him we’ll be there early tomorrow morning. I wanna just take this all in and calm myself down right now,” I say and Justin nods his head, the sound of the keyboard clicks telling me that he’s typing out a message back to Drake.

“I’ll go get us a movie to watch and I’ll get you some pizza.”

“Can you make it an extra-large pizza?” I ask and Justin smiles, kissing me on the forehead as I wrap myself in the blankets.

“I’ll be back in 20 minutes,” He smiles again and I blow him a kiss, which he catches, and then heads out the door and then downstairs. I hear the door shut ... and then I hear my ringtone start playing. Justin must’ve brought my phone up here. I reach out my arm and, surprisingly, grab my iPhone off the bedside table. I look at the screen and smile at the message.

I love you baby. –Justin <3

Keep Holding On. {Book 3 of You're A Dad}Where stories live. Discover now