Dadvid: Sick Camper

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I feel like David would do this with any camper but it's better when it's Max.

"Just try and get some rest little buddy," cooed David, softly stroking Max's hair. The boy's forehead was still burning as he laid in David's bed, eyes close to falling shut.

Max slowly nodded as David tucked him in and placed the bear under his arms. The boy snuggled into his bear before relaxing and letting his eyes slip shut.

David then got his clipboard and proceeded to do some paperwork while he sat by his camper's side. He felt a little pain in his heart everytime he would hear a small cough or a whimper from the boy.

Without warning, a loud bang erupted through the cabin. Three woodscouts were inside his cabin wearing smirks of victory. 

"Haha!" Exclaimed Pikeman. "We've got you now! You're camp's under our control and there's noth-"

"Shhh," said David softly, putting a finger to his lips.

The look of victory soon turned into one of anger. The boy walked closer to David as his fellow woodscouts followed. They didn't intimidate the man, however.

"Don't 'shoosh' me! I am-"

"Shhh," David whispered once again. "Don't wake him up. He's sick."

"Mm, David?" Max mumbled in a tired, small voice. His brows created in confusion and slight annoyance.  "What's goin' on?"

David then stroked Max's hair again. "It's nothing. Go back to sleep."

With that, Max's facial muscles relaxed again as David kept softly stroking his curly hair.

"Well anyway, your pitiful camp has lost to-"

"Mm," Max groaned, half asleep. His eyebrows furrowed once again.

"Shhh. Could you be a little quieter please. It's just my camper's sick and you aren't making him a better by talking loudly," he whispered, still patting Max's hair.

"Fine," Pikeman whispered back. "If this is the only way I can talk to you without being interrupted then I'll talk."

"Thank you."

The two then argued in hushed voices about who actually would run the camp and who wouldn't. Pikeman would keep insisting that the Camp Campbell land would belong to the Woodscouts because the campers couldn't beat them in wrestling. David would argue that they still haven't done all of the legal things to be in charge of a camp. All this was discussed with no one daring to go over a whisper.

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