David Werewolf

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To the theme of Hallelujah (like the church one, not the pop song): WEREWOLF DADVID, WEREWOLF DADVID, WEREWOLF DADVID, WEREWOLF DADVID, WEREWOOOLLF DADVID

I don't know anything about American nature. This would be much easier to write if it was Australia.


This is meant to be Dadvid you sickos, not Maxvid.

"Neilllll?!" Max called out. His voice echoed through the seemingly empty forest.

Nothing stirred in reply.

"Nikkiiii!?!" He shouted hopelessly, knowing he was lost and that he had as much of a chance of finding his friends as he had an hour ago.

It was meant to be an escape attempt where they would build a raft out of sticks they collected and some rope. Then they would ride down a river and out of the camp grounds.

The Nikki was supposed to keep a lookout for David, Neil was supposed to build the raft and Max just had to look for the sticks. There was a pattern where he would look in a certain area then return to Nikki and Neil, each area getting further away from where his friends were.

After a few more minutes of calling his friend's names the doubt that he would find his friends overtook him and he was left sitting by a tree in a part of the forest he didn't recognize. He sighed to himself, knowing he would have to wait a while to be found.

The eerie quietness of the forest was comforting in a way he would never admit to. All that could be heard was the soft wind blowing the leaves and the boy's breathing.

What was David going to think? He probably wouldn't get mad but he would be disappointed in him for sure. What would Nikki and Neil be doing? Would they be looking for him?

Nikki and Neil would be worried sick, especially after he told them he would only be a few minutes. They might've thought he had ditched them.

Although the forest was dangerous, he would rather be lost there than somewhere in the city where some wacko could do something to him or he could choke on the polluted air. It was also harder to find people in the city and to notice that two older people were not with him. It didn't even seem like they knew he was lost at all.

The forest was also quite beautiful at night. The stars looked angelic in the clear, dark sky where David would often point out constellations. The pine trees had a comforting smell to them, almost like David but it would be hard to make a pine tree annoying. The wild flowers and ferns scattered around him also looked quite nice, but he would never admit it to anyone.

His limbs were heavy from all the excersize he was put through that day. His mind needed a rest from the worry of being lost or escaping camp. Max knew better than to fall asleep in the middle of the forest but his ten year old body was so exhausted from wondering around and his surroundings were just so peaceful. He had no control over a light doze taking hold of him.

The boy was awoken by twigs snapping as if something was coming towards him. A foreboding feeling that he hadn't felt since Daniel was at camp came over him. He didn't know how but every sense knew he wasn't safe.

Max's eyes shot open to see a fat, brown animal snarling at him. He unintentionally met the animal's black, soulless eyes and was left staring at it. It took him a couple of moments in his groggy state to realize he was looking into the eyes of a bear.

A fucking bear was standing about twenty-something feet away from him! Did David even know about this?! Wait, he did. Jasper practically fell into a bear cave and Mr Campbell was living in one.

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