Camp Mud Fight

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This was originally going to be put at the end of the Miraculous Ladybug fic where Preston and Max would be playing together in the mud.

Max's nose scrunched up as soon as a small raindrop fell on it from the cloudy sky. He looked up at the clouds as raindrops splattered all over his face. He continued to stand outside of his tent where Neil was happily solving riddles from his book, thinking of something to do to pass the time. It sure beat spending time with David and the other assholes who were playing some boring board game. More like bored game. 

The humidity made his sweaty hair flop down and stick to his neck yet also managed to made it curl all over the place. Under his hoodie, he was sweating and his entire body felt gross and sticky. Although he was uncomfortable, there was no way he was going to take his hoodie off and reveal that disgusting, yellow shirt under it that showed his "camp spirit". 

Before he could even get back into the tent to talk to Neil, he felt something wet hit his arm and a few drops of it land on his face. Beside him, there was girly and childish giggling. 

"Ha! Gotcha Max!" Nikki shouted, kneeling down on the floor and gathering more mud with her hands. 

She threw another mud ball at him but he dodged it quickly, a mischievous smirk already forming. He found himself laughing as he hastily scooped up mud from the ground and chucked it at Nikki. Finally, there was something fun to do. 

 She ducked his ease, only making Max more determined to hit her. 

"Damn it," he muttered. 

She laughed maniacally in response as she threw another mud ball at him. 

Max's heart started racing as he ducked for the side. He missed the mud that Nikki threw but landed side first into the mud on the ground. He had nothing to lose. 

"Give up yet?" teased Nikki. 

Max gathered some mud in his arms, waiting for Nikki to get just a bit closer. He stood up, cradling his mud baby in his arms. Nikki laughed and threw more mud at him. He didn't even bother dodging since his was already dirty and adding more mud to the pile in his hands would be the better outcome for him. 

When Nikki was close enough, he flung his arms towards her, spraying mud everywhere so Nikki couldn't dodge. He laughed like the little evil genius he was and kept waving the arms of his hoodie around, not caring if he got any mud on himself. 

The mud sprayed all over his opponent, even when she tried to run away. She ran and ran but she couldn't escape the drops of mud that flung off of Max's hoodie. 

"YOU CAN'T ESCAPE NIK!" Max shouted with gleeful immaturity. 

That's when she turned around and kicked the mud with a great splash. The whole lower half of Max's body was covered in mud.

"Take that!" Nikki proudly exclaimed before running back to the tent where the first started. 

Just as Max caught up to her, Neil emerged from the tent with his puzzle book in his hand and a pen behind his ear. 

"What is all this noise about? I'm trying to do my puzzles!" He scolded. 

Nikki and Max both looked at one another as if they could read each other's mind. They both grinned and wiggled their eyebrows in unison. They were both thinking, 'Get Neil'.

"Shit," the brainiac muttered. 

"AAAAHHHH!" Max and Nikki both screamed as they pegged mud at Neil's shirt.

He held his book behind his back so it could be protected from the dangerous mud. His screams joined in with Max and Nikki's.

"Wait, wait, wait," he pleaded.

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