chapter 16: monopoly money

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Dora's POV:

I added my last bit of mascara to my naturally-short eyelashes. I sprayed some perfume on my wrists and gently rubbed them together in a bit of a rush, not wanting to be late to my first date with Diego. I stood on my porch, my hair making slight movements from the brush of the fall air.  I watched the love of my life tread down the sidewalk, as he hurriedly approached my house. He made his way up my porch, and grabbed my hand and held it in his. We stepped down from the porch, and we smiled at each other. "You nervous?" I asked. "Yeah. You're standing right in front of me, and you look more beautiful than anyone and anything I've ever seen." he spoke, each word making my heart melt more and more. "We better get going. Here, put this on." He handed me a blindfold, and I gave him a confused look. "Just trust me." I nodded, and took the blindfold. I put it on, and stuck out my hand for him to take it and lead me to our desired location. We began walking, and after many trips over sidewalk cracks, and bumping into random strangers who probably thought I was being kidnapped, we arrived. "Go ahead and take off the blindfold." I took it off to reveal the most romantic place that was perfect for our date: Chuck E Cheese. "Oh, Diego!" My eyes began to water, but at that moment I felt no worry for the fact that my mascara may smear. I pulled him into a passionate kiss, hearing a faint "EEEWWW" and "NOW SHE HAS COOTIES!" This is the most romantic date ever. After a lot of games and ticket winning, we took a break and ordered some food. Our pizza arrived, and it tasted of tomato sauce on a cracker. "Theres no place I'd rather be than here with you." I said, looking into Diego's eyes. He planted a small kiss on my nose, as he left a ten dollar bill from the Monopoly game I gave him for Christmas. We left hand in hand, smiling brighter than ever.

//so romantic my mans. <3

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