Andrade Cien Almas

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Before I start writing this for my best friend OneRepublicFan2107 who is an amazing writer and friend and sorry the picture is side way it's the only picture I really have of him and Happy Birthday to you

So as Andrade Cien Almas was preparing for his debut match on SmackDown Live against Zack Ryder his girlfriend and business manager Anna was thinking about how good of a job he did last night when they were in the hotel because they had a night of passionate sex.

When Anna kissed Andrade he said "don't worry Mamacita once I beat that stupid goof ball from Long Island you can have me all night long" as Anna and Andrade walked out together after Zack and Andrade were in the ring Elias walks out and says "I need everyone to silence your cellphones and shut your mouth so because I have a song for the very beautiful Anna.

As Elias started to sing Anna walked over and says what the hell you were a one time fuck and you weren't as good as Andrade Cien Almas is so take your guitar and go because I don't want you.

After Elias left and the match started Andrade kept hitting Zack with everything he could think of and then he finally was able to hit the Hammerlock DDT on Zack to win the match and when Anna raised his hand in victory he whispered in her ears why didn't you tell me that you and Elias fucked.

Anna then said "that was before I realized that I love you Andrade and I always will just give me a chance." Andrade said "okay one chance is all you get but if I see you around Elias I will beat him up so bad no one will listen to him sing or fuck him ever again."

Then they went to the hotel and had a passionate filled sex night and Andrade actually preposed to Anna and she said "yes"

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