James Hamilton x reader

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Overprotective brother
Female pronouns
For this chapter you're the daughter of the one and only Marquis De Lafayette, Georges Washington De Lafayette is your older brother who is protective of you. The pic is what I thought Georges would look like, feel free to change!
Ages: Philip and Georges; 18, Angie; 17, Alex jr; 16, (y/n) and James; 15, others are 1 year or more younger!
⚠️ google translate
⚠️ sexual content

(Y/n)'s POV
As I sat in the carriage I heard my dad grumble, I don't exactly know the reason why I just know he's mad. Georges might know, I turned to him, "Do you know why père is mad, Georges?"
"He's mad at his old mon ami Alexander Hamilton." He whispered back to me.
He shrugged, "something about a Reynolds pamphlet."
"Oh. So where are we going?"
"Ohhh, why?"
He sighed, "not sure. Père won't tell."
I nodded and the journey continued. Soon we arrived to a boat and started our odyssey. It took around a week to finally reach America, as soon as we got there we were back in another carriage going to a unknown location. Once we reached it père finally said something, "okay, I'm going to talk to Alexander you two see how the family members are holding up."
Georges and I looked at each other and then looked back at our père, nodding. Père knocked on the door and a boy around my age answered, "hello?"
"Bonjour, I'm here to talk with Alexander."
"Oh, does he know you?"
"Marquis de Lafayette, nice to meet you. You are?"
"James." They shook hands and the young boy let him in, "he's in his study, as always."
"Marci." My père nodded and walked off to Alexander's study.
"Right. Je m'appel is Georges Washington De Lafayette. And this is my sœur (y/n) De Lafayette." James shook Georges hand and kissed the back of mine, and I just had to blush. I saw Georges glare at him, "so, our père said to see how you guys are holding up...."
"First of all, what exactly is the problem?"
I saw James sigh and it looked like his eyes had tears building up, "have you two happened to read the Reynolds Pamphlet?"
"Non." We both shook our heads.
We saw James walk over and pick up a paper, handing it to us after, "this tells you."
I took the paper and started reading, Georges read it over mon shoulder. As my eyes scanned over the many words explaining an affair I felt tears build up and some even escaped from my eyes.
"Zut..." I heard Georges whisper under his breath.
I looked up from the paper and at James, "James, Je suis vraiment dèsolè." The only thing I could think of was hugging him to make him feel somewhat better. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I felt and heard him break down.
"(Y/n)...." I heard mon frèrè say in a dark voice.
"Frèrè, hush."
As I comforted James and combed his hair with mon hands I heard a door slam.
"Uhhh do I know you two?"
I turned my head slightly to see an older male, about my frèrè's age looking at us.
"Georges Washington De Lafayette." I saw my brother shake his hand, "that is my sœur (y/n) De Lafayette, hugging your frèrè."
"Oh you must be related to Alexander's old friend Marquis."
"Oui." Georges said.
"I'm guessing your pops is talking to Alexander?"
"And you two are?"
"Comforting." I answered.
"Oh. Well I'm Philip."

"There you are Philip! Where have you been all day?! You know it's not that easy to take care of little ones alone!" I saw a slightly older than me girl walk in with a toddler in her arms.
"Sorry Ange. Can I not have my own space?"
"You were flirting with more girls weren't you?!"
"Was not!"
"Was too!"
As the two siblings argued I whispered to James, "Uh do you want to talk about in your room?"
"Sure." He said and grabbed my hand, taking me to his room.
"(Y/n)? Where do you think you are going?!"
"Talking don't worry frèrè!"
I heard a frustrated sigh escape his mouth before I entered James' room.
"Sorry if it's a mess."
"Oh it's quite alright. So what's wrong mon cher?"
James took a seat on his bed and put his head in his hands, "I guess I'm just surprised my father would do this. I never thought he would cheat y'know. I thought he loved her and us....maybe I was just...wrong." I took a seat next to him.
"Surprising isn't it. I get why you're upset, I understand it's hard but imagine how she's dealing with this. Hurting you guys, ruining his political career, ruining his chances with you guys, wrecking your family name.....also he's must've been super stressed when he did it and was maybe forced or pressured. I know I shouldn't focus on him and pity him but just understand and try to talk with him y'know? Sorry if this isn't making sense. But I should be here for a while so if you ever need anything I'm here." I put my hand on his shoulder and he leaned against my body, I felt my face heat up.
"For what?"
"I dunno comforting me...being here." I felt his body shrug.
"No problem mon cher." He lifted himself up and put his head in my lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled down at him and stroked his hair.
"You're very beautiful." He said calmly and looked up at me. I felt my face heat up even more.
He smiled and laid his head back down, falling asleep not long after.
After a while I heard his bedroom door open and then an angry voice.

"GET OFF MY SISTER!!!!!"James shot up and saw my angry frèrè storming towards him

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James shot up and saw my angry frèrè storming towards him. James ran around his room and Georges chased him.
"Je jure que quand Je met la main sur vous, vous serez mort! Comment osez-vous toucher ma sœur comme ça! Tu es tellement mort! Rècupère ton cul ici maintenant! J'ai besoin de te tuer à cause de la façon dont tu as touchè ma sœur!"
"What are you even saying! I don't want to die!" James screamed as Georges jumped towards him. I left the room and grabbed pèrè, taking him back to the room.
"Père please do something."
"Georges Washington De Lafayette! You stop this madness right now!"
The boys both paused and Georges grabbed James by the collar of his shirt. I saw the fear in james' eyes and I screamed at Georges.
"Mais il a touchè (y/n)!" Georges yelled still grasping on james' shirt. Pèrè then glared at James and marched towards him.
"Est-ce vrai?"
"Pèrè I swear not like that! It was just a hug! I was only comforting him, like you told me to do!"
"Il vous a appelè belle et avait sa tête sur vos genoux avec ses bras enroulès autour de votre taille!"
Pèrè turned towards me with a smirk, "Il t'a appelè belle, (y/n)?"
I looked at the ground, "oui pèrè..."
"C'est merveilleux! Georges le pose maintenant! Ma petite fille a un petit ami!" Pèrè clapped excitedly with a big grin on his face, Georges dropped James on the ground, "ow." I rushed over and helped him up.
"QUELLE?!" Georges shouted in surprise.
"Georges, come on don't worry about it! Isn't it wonderful?! I'll go tell Alexander the Great news. Also, Georges be nice to your future brother in law!"
Both of our faces heated up and Georges grumbled and stormed out of the room.
"Uh well that was interesting."
"Heh uh yeah..." I wiped my sweat hands on my dress and he scratched the back of his neck.
"Well I should probably go talk to Georges and try to cool him down. Au revoir mon amour, Je te varria aux alentours." I pecked his lips and smiled, as I was walking out of his room I turned back as he was saying, "o-okay Uh yeah, see ya around and stuff, erm." His face was a crimson red the whole time and I smirked, "orrr I can go talk to him later and I can stay here and 'comfort' you..." I suggested and his face turned even more red; if that's even possible. I closed and locked the door and walked back towards him, cupping his face I kissed him again and he melted into it.
We both went to his bed and I straddled him, "no one is gonna catch us right?"
"Everyone is kinda too upset right now to notice..."
"Oh....then should we actually do this? I mean well aren't you upset about the whole Reynolds pamphlet thing?"
He pecked my lips and whispered against them, "shhh this will make me feel a lot better."
"Okay." I whispered back and slipped my tongue in his mouth. He grasped my ass and I moaned into the kiss. We continued to make out until I had to leave. I  really love that man and can't wait for our future together.

Word count: 1547
Should I write a lafayette reader x Hamilton character book? I know I'm gonna write another Philip Hamilton x reader...
~ The Mockingbird ❤️

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