Jon Rua X hair dresser!Reader

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Female pronouns

Jon's POV
I stomped the snow off my boots as I walked inside the Richard Rogers theatre. It was freezing outside causing me to shiver once again. I walked to the common room to see other ensemble members. Thayne even smirked at me once I entered, which I responded by raising a brow.
"You're making that face and I don't like it...."
"Well you have a surprise in your dressing room." He sang and I tilted my head a bit.
"Okay? If it's a prank I'm gonna kill you." I said sternly and walked off to my dressing room. Opening the door I found (y/n) curled up in the jacket, I wore when I played Charles Lee, on the couch. I smiled softly at the sleeping figure. I crept towards the couch and lightly pecked her head, my hair can wait.
Yet, she stirred awake and slowly opened her eyes, yawning too.
"Hey roo! Sorry I passed out I didn't know what time you were getting here and I was tired apparently." She chuckled and got up, "let's get you ready for the show!" I sat down at the mirror and she started getting the supplies for my hair and setting them in her organized spots she pretty much memorized. I snickered at how organized she was, placing things in different spots and aligning them in specific ways.
"What's so funny?"
"Noting it's just it's so cute how you take the time to organize your things and put them in special spots that you magically have memorized." I chuckled a bit at her. She blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, looking embarrassed she continued doing what she was doing.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."
"Oh no no no, it's alright it's just a lot of people sort of make fun or tease me about being so organized I dunno it's dumb."
"It's not dumb, like I said I find it cute." I shrugged and she started to comb my hair smiling a little as she did so. I grinned as she did my hair, still wearing the coat. I took out the phone to snap a picture to post, her still not noticing. She finished up my hair and we still had time before the show. She cleaned up her little station and put them away in her bag. I got a text from Lin, 'so you two finally got together I take it?'
'No, I mean not yet at least...'
(Y/n) finished putting the things away and looked at the clock, shows going to start soon I think you should head out there.
"Shoot yeah, uh thanks again." I quickly pecked her cheek and rushed out.


I stopped in my tracks realizing what I did, I pecked her cheek! Gosh dang it!
"Jon come on 5 minutes!"
I saw Oak standing near and he noticed my red face, "Jon you alright?"
"Uh I may or may not have kissed (y/n) on the cheek...."
"Wait wait wait, hairdresser (y/n) and Jonathan Groff's younger sister (y/n)?!"
"Holy that's wild! I mean does she know?"
"Well dude I'm sure she likes you back, don't stress about it okay?"
"Okay okay."
Almost as soon as the show started I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning I saw a red faced (y/n) holding my jacket, "I-I think you might need this...y-you know for your show and stuff."
"Oh thanks and uh sorry about uh y'know..." as I was going to turn away she tugged on my arm.
"You forgot another thing..."
"Which is....?"
I felt her lips on mine then separate for a second, "break a leg." I smiled and walked on the stage, starting my performance.

Word count: 637
~ Zebby Cake 🖤

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