King of spain! John Laurens x princess of france! Reader

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Requested by: ElizaTheSinnamonRoll

(Y/n)'s POV
Enemies. That's what our two countries were. France and Spain, not close to being friends or allies. So my mom decided to find me a suitor, from Belgium. Prince Luis, was okay, definitely not my type. He seems....controlling and doesn't comfort me or support my decisions at all. So I decided to reject him, my parents weren't happy about that, not even close. So what did I do? I escaped my home, I grabbed everything I needed to survive and went my own way. Oddly enough I found myself in Spain, maybe I can try to get in their good side! I smiled as I strolled through the city, then I saw a tall man with guards around him. Must be the king! I walked up towards him but the guards pointed their spears at me, I jumped back but the king turned towards me as he was holding an apple. "Halt." He said to the guards and the lowered their weapons, he looked at me and I felt enchanted by his emerald green eyes with speckles of brown. "Uh sorry to bother you your majesty see I'm the princess of France and I traveled here in hope to Uh get along?" I wondered and the guards scoffed, "likely story." One of them said with sternness in his voice, raising his weapon up to my chest, "you don't look anything like royalty." He said and the others chuckled. My brows furrowed with frustration, "well for your information..." I started but the king stopped me, "so you're from France you say? Our enemy of a country." He growled and I started to worry, "that's right your majesty. I was hoping to make a peace agreement...."
"Wait." He said and put his index finger to his chin, which had freckles like the rest of him, in thought, "you're the princess right? What are you doing here....alone?"
I sighed, "long story, but I left my home in France because my suitor didn't treat me right so I rejected his proposal then my parents got mad at me and yadda yadda." I explained and he nodded, in some understanding. "Wait, how do I know your not lying?" He said and I pondered.
"Sadly I don't know how to prove that I'm telling the truth.....but please believe me your majesty I just don't want anymore wars."
His guards looked at the king as he thought, but what he thought wasn't what they were expecting because he said, "well princess of France, come with me I'll take you to my castle so we can discuss this enemy nonsense." I smiled happily and followed him as he lead the way to his beautiful home.
"So what's your name princess of France."
"(Y/n) (m/n) (l/n), your majesty."
"Such a beautiful name, well my name is John Laurens."
"Thanks for the compliment your majesty." He nodded as we walked inside, "So was the only reason you Cake to Spain was the suitor problem?"
"That and I don't want to be enemies forever you know? I hope you don't want that either...."
He smiled and shook his head, "no I don't want to be enemies forever. I was hoping to have a conference about the peace matter but I don't think your parents care honestly. No offense."
"None taken at all, the only thing they care about is how I marry and who I reject. It sounded like they were going to execute me after they found out about my rejection to Prince luis' proposal." I giggled and he chuckled.
"Well what parents they are."
I nodded, "what about yours? Do they care about the peace?"
He went silent, I think I said something wrong, "they Uh died. My mother died of illness when I was ten....and my father recently died of old age which meant I had to become king." He said and I rested my hand on his arm.
"Sorry for bringing it up your majesty."
"It's okay." He said and we walked to the dining room to talk about the peace agreement over dinner.

John and I got to know each other better, us clicking well right away from the start. And know we have a close relationship, by that I mean, we've been secretly together and having what they call an affair. But I don't think there's too much to worry about.

I was wrong.

John and I traveled to my home in hope to find an agreement with my parents about the peace situation and our relationship. My expression showed worry, which John noticed so he reached for my hand so he can hold it. I looked at him and smiled, "are you sure we are doing he right thing John?"
"Peace thing or uh our status?"
I giggled, "I mean or relationship....I'm worried they won't see you how I see you. So they will hate and possibly kill both of us." I sighed and he stroked circles on the back of my hand, "it's going to be okay, I promise." He whispered and pecked my forehead.

We arrived at my old palace, just to come face to face with my mad parents who were holding a pamphlet, our names written on it. 'The Affair Of King John Laurens and Princess (Y/n)' the headline read I panicked and I saw John no start to worry. "Please mother it's not what you think. All I want is for us to get along and not be enemies. Please understand that not the love part. We can talk about that later." All of a sudden my mother snapped at me and yelled how horrible I am, how I'm not supposed to be having an affair with the king of the enemy country. I started to tear up and back away, just to feel a point on my lower back. I know it was a guard, my breathing hitched and I heard John come in, "listen here queen of France, we love each other and all we want is to have peace between our countries. This can be an alliance proposal. Tell your guard to lower his weapon now." He said sternly and my 'mother' just held her head high, "you may be the king of Spain but you're not the king of me and I can do whatever I Please." Then in a swift movement John around and yanked the spear out of the guards hand, swinging it to point at my parents, "I don't want to do this, can we please just form an alliance." John begged but my mother scoffed, my dad tried to reason with her, "honey please, this can help both of us if we ever have a war...don't kill our daughter and the king."
She stared at him and grabbed a knife, "I do what I want." John then stabbed her in the abdomen, my father and I opened our moths in shook and John realized what he did. "Oh my god I am so sorry."
"About time, the bitch is gone!" The man cheered and I smiled a tad. "Father, can we please have an alliance?"
He smiled and nodded, "guards please dispose the body. I think that sounds like a grand idea and also get married for all I care. I'll continue to rule here and you two can rule in Spain." We all shook hands and then paperwork was signed. A dinner was eaten and peace between France and Spain has finally been settled.

Word count: 1263
Sorry if that wasn't exactly how you wanted it, I didn't listen to the song since I understood the concept of the story. And the mother problem I thought would be a good twist so uh yeah. Hope you liked it!
~ Cotton Candy Koi 💕

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