King George iii x abused! Reader

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Requested by: NightmareMoonYt
Trigger Warning
Sexual Content

George's POV
I sat on the couch scrolling through Instagram when I abruptly received a call from (y/n). I accepted the call and put the phone up to my ear to hear her correctly.
"Y'ello." I said like the basic white guy (or me lol) and I heard a rattled voice on the other line, so I started to feel concern take over my body.
"D-do you think you can c-come get me? I d-don't want to be here. And m-maybe I should go to the hospital....just please come get me?" She managed to sputter out as she replied.
"Of course. Wait, what happened, if you don't mind me asking."
"Can you just get here please, it's starting to hurt really bad."
I started to get up, grabbing my shoes, coat, and car keys. Then I walked out to my car still on the phone with (y/n).
"How about I put you on speaker and you tell me about it or we can talk about something else, I just need to keep you conscious."
"Okay, that will work."
"Awesome." (Wow :0 ) I turned the key and the car came to life, I pulled out and asked (y/n) to share her tale (give us your weep and wail!).
"S-so uh you know jaxon...."
"We uh well got in a fight or argument. You see he's been yelling at me a lot for little things so I wanted to talk to him about it and maybe split up. That led to him screaming and yelling in my face so I ran to try to get somewhere safer. I made it to the bathroom but he grabbed my arm and I think my wrist might be broken or sprained. But I screamed and cried out 'let me go' and he did. Then he punched the wall and stormed off and now I'm hiding in the bathroom."
I breathed out, "wow. Are you doing okay? Did you black out or anything?"
"N-no I don't think I did at least I remember everything that happened....."
"Okay good. I'm pulling in now so don't worry. I'll meet you inside."
"Okay." And with that I ended the call, hopped out of my vehicle and ran inside to the bathroom. I found (y/n) resting her left arm on the tub and her head on top of that, where her right arm was laying on her lap. It looked like she had a cut lip.
"I thought he just grabbed your arm?" I told as I crept towards her to help her up.
"Huh? Oh I guess I left out some parts." She said I sighed and picked her up and set her on the bathroom counter to clean her up a bit and check her wrist and arm.
"I can't believe he did all of this to you." I said as I grabbed the somewhat considerable medical supplies to fix up her lip.
"I can't either I thought he was nice but I guess something went off in him and set him off." She shrugged as I wiped her lips, I looked into her eyes as I did so. I sighed and shook my head, "well it was dumb and he's a big fucking dick!" She chuckled and I smiled.
"Yeah he is." She glanced down at her wrist and followed her eyes down to her injured wrist.
"Okay I should probably take you to the hospital." I said and she nodded and was going to hop down with her free hand before I stopped her that is. Instead I picked her up again and walked her to my car, setting her down softly in the passenger seat as I walked over to the drivers seat, of course after buckling her in. Once I started the car she rummaged in the glove department for her snacks.
"Where are they."
"I moved them to the arm console."
"Oh." She stated and scavengered for them in the console, when she found them she said, "Ah-a!" She pulled out a box of Jurassic park cheez it's and started munching on them. I chuckled as I drove to the hospital.
"How are you feeling?" I glanced at her, then focused my eyes on the road.
"A little better. But I think it's just a sprained wrist.....also uh do you think I can stay at your place tonight?" She looked at me with this sparkling (e/c) orbs.
"Stay as long as you need to (n/n)." I smiled and reached for her left hand and squeezed it. She smiled back a tad and thanked me.

We got back to my place, finding out it was just a sprained wrist which wasn't too bad thankfully. It should heal after ten days if she doesn't use it much. We walked inside and I got her some comfy clothes.
"How would I shower do you think?" She asked as I grabbed her a sweatshirt.
"We can probably slide a plastic bag over your arm so water doesn't hit the cast." I said as I turned back to her with the sweatshirt in my hands. She looked up at me and lifted her cast up a little, "right." I said.
I helped her slip off her shirt, and god I didn't think I would be ever helping my friend out like this. Not to lie she's absolutely gorgeous and I don't mind this.
"I think I can take off my bra myself, don't look mkay." I turned around and I heard her struggle as she tried to detach it with one hand.
"Almost, Ugh, got it...." silence took over the room and finally she broke it by saying, "George?"
"Help?" Heat spread through out my body, and my cheeks were dusted red. I took a deep breath and turned towards her, walking behind her to unclamp the hooks. I slipped the strap off her arms and grabbed the sweatshirt from the bed. I then pondered, 'How am I going to put this on her? Especially without getting a boner.' I slipped it over her head and put one sleeve on her good arm, "I can do this part George you're fine." She said as she slipped other sleeve on her other arm. She then went to take off her jeans with one hand, "Ugh alrighty." I went over and grabbed some pj bottoms. She was slowly sliding the jeans off with one hand, "fuck you jaxon." She muttered under her breath. I don't like seeing her struggle so I grabbed all the courage I had and slipped her pants off, her landing her but on the mattress. I slipped off her jeans all the way and she looked at me, I looked back with a slight hint of lust.
"George?" She cleared her throat and I noticed what I was doing, I was practically right in between her thighs.
"Ah shit sorry." I stood up but all she did was use her non injured hand to pull my lips to hers, I ended up laying over her.
"I'm sorry." She whispered, "I shouldn't have done that I was just kinda uh in the moment." I pecked her lips once more, "no problem (n/n), but I think this would be better when you're healed." I chuckled and she followed with hers.
"True, cuddles then?" She giggled and I climbed off of her, "Yeah," I slipped the pj bottoms on her legs and then helped her up.
"Okay to the couch then." I laughed and carried her to the couch to cuddle and watch movies.

Word count: 1283
~ Cotton Candy Koi 💕

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