Oh my god -20

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I stood anxiously waiting for the results
Pacing around the bathroom, I tried to control my breathing.
"Come on Y/N you can do this" I said stopping and staring at the pregnancy test laid in front of me.
I wanted to record my reaction so Ethan could use it to tell everyone if I was.... my finger pressed record on my camera......

I anxiously turned the stick over. My eyes widened at the two clear lines below me. I blinked four times to prove this was real.
"Oh my god" I place a hand over my mouth and s year escapes my eye.
"I'm pregnant!" I cry with joy and show the pregnancy test to the camera. I couldn't wait to start a family with the love of my life. Ethan Dolan

I was in shock. I couldn't believe it and I couldn't wait to tell Ethan. I didn't know how he would react but I knew he would care for the baby either way.
I leant against the bath smiling.
"Oh my god" i saywith the widest smile

I decide to go to Grayson for help on how to tell Ethan
I press record as I wanted to document everything
"Gray?" I knocked on his door
"Yh come in" He was sitting on his bed
I had the pregnancy test behind my back

"What's behind your back? And why are u recording?" Grayson said tryna peek around me
"Close your eyes" I sat on his bed and put his arms out in front of him
I placed the pregnancy test in his hand
"Open" I adjust the camera
He opens one eye and looks up at me
"OH MY GOD!" He says jumping on top of me
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" He was standing up
"Yh" I start happy crying
He hugs you and spins you round
"I'm gonna be an uncle!" He throws his hands on his head
He then looks into the camera
"Ethan good luck bro" he then put his hand over it and I ended it

"I need your help though" I look right at him
"Anything!" He's still so excited and it made me chuckle
"We need to think of a way to tell Ethan"
All of a sudden he bursts through the door and I shove the pregnancy test under Grayson pillow
"Hey babe" I walk over to him and kiss his lips
"What's going on in here?" Ethan looks from Grayson to me and then back to Grayson
"Oh I was just seeing if Grayson had any uhhhh" I stumbled on my words
"Socks" Grayson piped in
"Yh socks, uh mine were all in the wash" i nodded
"Right okay thennn" Ethan turned and walked away
"Seriously gray? Socks?" I look at him
He just shrugged
"Okay can we text so Ethan doesn't suspect anything?" I ask "Oh and keep the test in here cause Ethan will find it in our room" I say before turning on my feet
"I'm so exciteddddddd" he jumps up and down
I laugh and walk out of the room

Me and Grayson discussed a plan for a couple of hours until everything was set in place.......

My perfect world -an Ethan Dolan imagineWhere stories live. Discover now