What happened? -28

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"I know" I sigh
"Tell me everything" he held both my hands and looked at me engaged
I took a deep breath "When I was 15 my mum left with this new guy she had met leaving me with my dad. Let's just say my dad dint take it well" I sigh "he started to drink every night and he was never around he would always be out at strip cline or out in pubs drinking. The only day he would be home is a Sunday night and he would use the money I made from working to buy alcohol. This was at the time me and Grayson were super close so he would be around a lot but he didn't know anything about my dad. My dad soon stopped going out and continued to stay home every night drinking. After time he would hit and punch me all the time and I'd have to cover up my bruises. I still have scars from when he would drag me down the stairs. He has this thing where he lives to ruin things for me. Like today." I start crying "he had to come and ruin this. The only thing that has been perfect in my life he had to come and ruin for me" I started to sob into Ethans shoulder
"Shh, it's okay. I'll never let him near you again." He kissed my head multiple times
"Your the best thing that's ever happened to me Ethan" I snuggle up to him

———————-4 Months later—————————
(I'm now eight months pregnant)
Me and Ethan were sitting on the couch and he was rubbing my bump with his hand while watching TV. I smile down at his hands. I felt so safe and secure with him. I kiss his lips and smile into his neck

I feel the baby kick and so does Ethan. He looks at me and I smile down at my bump.

————————1 Month later————————
"ETHAN" i Whisper shout sitting up.
I hit his chest lightly "Ethan!"
"Are you okay?" He shot up out of bed
"My water just broke" I look down at the water running down my leg
"Oh my god" he ran round the bed
Grayson walks in
"Why are you guys doing?" Grayson says rubbing his eyes. He stops and his eyes widen. "Oh my god" he runs intot he closet to get the hospital bag and Ethan helps me up.
"Can you walk" Ethan says panicking.
I nod and he runs into the kitchen to grab the keys and our shoes. Grayson comes in and holds my arm and leads me toward the car.
I sit in it and Ethan buckles

"Breathe Y/N" Ethan tried to calm down my contraction as he was driving. He was driving recklessly but not enough that we would get into an accident.
I started to scream in pain as the contraction worsened. I grab onto Ethan's thigh tightly as he drives which probably wasn't a great idea.

"It's okay baby girl our beautiful baby will be here soon just push" Ethan held me tightly as I lay on the bed ready to push.
I tightly grasped Ethan's hand as his head leant on mine and he kissed me gently whispering sweet nothings in my ear as I pushed painfully.

Soon enough our beautiful baby has entered the world

My perfect world -an Ethan Dolan imagineWhere stories live. Discover now