What if we arent ready? -24

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Grayson decided to go home and Ethan and I stayed watching the sunset.
"Y/N?" He placed a hand on my belly
"Yes babe" I was looking at him
"What if we aren't ready?" He said looking at my belly and then me
"What do you mean?" I propped myself up
"Well we are only 17 and everything to do with mine and Grayson's YouTube is so stressful and you wanted to start a channel so what if we can't take the pressure" he lets go of my stomach
"Well what ever happens we will figure it out together okay?" I kissed his lips
He lays me down still kissing my lips and continues going down my neck and towards my stomach I stop him before he reaches my privates and flip him over.

He looked confused I just winked at him and passionately kissed his lips. I traced his jawline with kisses and continued to go down his body. I outlined his V line and he moaned under his breath. I slowly pulled down his shorts and proceeded kissing him.
"Oh my god!" We hear from behind us
I don't stop and neither does Ethan cause we didn't think anything of it
"Is that Ethan Dolan!?" We hear again.
I look up at Ethan and he pulls up his trousers and I stand in front of him trying to hide his bulge.
She walks over to us

"OMG HI!" She says pushing me violently
"Sorry" she says sarcastically as looking back at Ethan
"Uh hi" Ethan says awkwardly
"Can i get a photo?" She says chirping
"Uh yeah sure" he says holding me infront of him to hide his boner
I laugh to myself as he takes a selfie with his fan
"I won't tell anyone about what I just saw by the way" she smirks and I choke on my breath while Ethan stands with his face flushing red
"Thanks" He laughs awkwardly rubbing his neck

He walks down the mountain with me hand in hand and we get into my car.
"Are you okay?" He faces me in the seat
"Yh" I laugh
"Okay babe lets go" He faces back in his seat and I begin driving.
The whole way he kept his hand on my belly
"I can't believe we are gonna be a family at 17 babe" he says excited
"I know, but the fans are gonna have different ideas when the video comes out" I say staring at the road
"I know, I know" he rubs my stomach

——————————3 months later—————————
Me and Ethan are stronger than ever and he's really caring towards me. I've started to show so I wear big baggy jumpers as the fans don't know yet. Last night we filmed a video which we were going to post today of us announcing my pregnancy...

[itallics mean past]
"WHATS UP GUYS IM BACK" Ethan shouts making me laugh,
"I know you must be wondering why Grayson has been replaced by Y/N for this video but it actually only involves us mainly but Grayson is here" Grayson pokes his head out from behind the camera and waves making me giggle

"Me and Y/N have an announcement" he lightly puts his arm around me
"I don't think we need to say it E just roll the video" I laugh and Ethan nods

(The video is a mash of Ethan reading the note Y/N wrote for him in the last part or the part and graysons and Y/N''s reaction to the pregnancy")

"Yeah so I know it's super sudden considering we have been together for only 4 months and it came as a shock to us but we are stronger than ever and we can't wait to welcome the new edition to our family" Ethan says rubbing my stomach

"I know we will get a lot of hate for this because we are only 17 but we are both really happy and the negativity isn't needed because me and Ethan will only be reading the positive comments and we thank all of you for supporting us from day one"  I smile and Ethan nods
"Ready gray get in here... 3...2...1..." Ethan shouts
"Peace" we all throw up a peace sign and the video ends

"Hey babe?" He comes into the living room
"what's up?" I sit up
"Pull up your top I wanna take a snapchat of it for today's video" he laughs
I do as he says and he posts it
"Damn the world is finally about to find out" he says rubbing my stomach and kissing my lips.
"I love you so much" I wrap my arms around his neck
"I love you and our beautiful baby" he kisses me

My perfect world -an Ethan Dolan imagineWhere stories live. Discover now