> Photographer/Male<

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Name: Calvin Ootori

At Least 2 Personality Traits:
Timid/shy, geeks out on things he's passionate about, gets startled easily

Appearance (Eyes, Hair, freckles, no freckles, eye color, hair color, skin color, etc.):

Gender: Male

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Gender: Male

Height: 5'8

Age: 17

Birthday: December 22nd

Species: Human

Sexuality: Pansexual

Backstory: His dad is from Japan and his mom was born and raised on a farm in Wisconsin, USA. He does look more like his dad with his dark hair and eyes, than his mom who had bright blue eyes and brown hair, but he did get his moms love of photography and getting passionate about things she loved. When his mom passed away from Cancer he made a scrapbook dedicated for her and left it in the living room where he and his dad could look at whenever they wanted. Of course, heart broken, (his mother died when he was 12) they didn't look at it for awhile but now him and his dad are pretty close and like looking at the scrapbook. He took many art classes at school and took his skills to the next level actually winning an award for his photos at a Teenage Photo contest, he won best in the state. But not many people in his school care and he's still just the geeky boy with few friends.

Likes: Taking Photos, You, Art, talking about his passions, his friends

Dislikes: Being ignored or shot down when talking about what he's passionate about, people who brag all the time, gossip, needles

Strength: Art (Photography, drawing, and ceramics)

Weakness: Can come off as 'too good for you' at first when meeting him

Special Talents: Art

Languages They Can Speak:
English, some Korean

One of the more popular girls (Eleanor) in his grade likes him and is very straight up about that so they hang out sometimes but he usually tries to ignore her since she always wants more from him.

     A boy you've never talked to but have seen around walked up to you asking if you'd be the model for his next photo project. You agree and he gives you his number saying thanks and to meet him after school in the cafeteria.
    Once you get there after school you see he has a camera around his neck and is looked around frantically like he's scared of someone seeing him. You walk up to him and...

You say/do...

•• ••

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