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Name: Skyla (Sky) Carley Sondes

Alter Ego: Miss Independent
(Her Online Username)

At Least 2 Personality Traits:
Quiet when you first meet, likes to keep her emotions inside, she likes to share her opinions on non-emotion related things but is sometimes too scared to, listens to music to keep her emotions in check and relax, loves video games and could talk about them for hours, can be funny when you get to know her, judges quickly, when she doesn't know what to say she stays silent even though it bothers people, extremely childish when high/drunk, not good with change, awkward

Appearance (Eyes, Hair, freckles, no freckles, eye color, hair color, skin color, etc.): Human/Anime

): Human/Anime

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Gender: Female

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Gender: Female

Height: 5'4

Age: 18

Birthday: February 28th

Species: Human

Sexuality: Pansexual

Family: Younger brother (Josh), two dads (Levi and Kevin), a Persian cat (Maxy)

She's that girl who lives with all guys but never really acted like a tomboy, maybe because one of her dads always did the things society thinks females are supposed to do with Skyla. She enjoys music because it's like her escape, she can sing what she feels and thinks without anyone disagreeing or getting mad at her. She's never gave much thought that she's adopted, not caring who her real parents are because she loves her family the way it is. Change isn't something she's experienced before and she'd like to keep it that way if possible.

Likes: Video games, playing cards, T-shirt's with funny sayings on them, Dogs, Cats, English class, dairy free ice cream, comedy movies, drinking, doing comedy even if she thinks she isn't very funny she still finds it fun and it's adorable

Dislikes: Cheaters, science and math, planes, dairy products since she's allergic

Strength: Video games, singing, English and writing poems and speeches

Weakness: Others judging her but she judges quickly, allergic to dairy products

Special Talents: Plays piano and electric guitar

Languages They Can Speak:
English And Spanish

Can't stand people yelling at her and instead of yelling back or apologizing she just avoids the person and keeps the tears in. Her brother is four years younger than her.

You had just been beaten by the best player in your school in the newest game everyone had been playing lately. You huff and look at your friend who was next to you, "who the heck is this? The username is MissIndependent and they go to our school... I thought I should've won." You grumble and your friend laughs then replies, "it's that quiet girl, you know the one who can never take her earphones off? Her name is, I think Skyla? Weird name..." you thought about that for a moment and shrugged going back to the game to try and beat her again.
On Monday you walk into school, at your third hour class the teacher splits the class into three groups for some group educational thing you weren't listening to. There's eight people in each group and you notice the girl your friend was talking about the other day, the one who beat you and everyone else in the popular game. She's one person away from you and she looks you right in the eyes than quickly looks away. 'Does she know she beat me?' You wonder and the person in between you two gets up and goes to the bathroom even though you know they probably just don't want to do this group thing. She's now sitting next to you, her head down and earbuds in.

You say/do...

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