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Name: Ian Tate Kingston

At Least 2 Personality Traits:
Cocky, intelligent, sly, unemotional, hard to connect with emotionally

Appearance (Eyes, Hair, freckles, no freckles, eye color, hair color, skin color, etc.): Human/Anime

): Human/Anime

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Gender: Male

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Gender: Male

Height: 5'10

Age: 24

Birthday: February 3rd

Species: Human

Sexuality: Pansexual

Backstory: Ian grew up in a wealthy family and took it for granted. He never cared much for other people but loved hanging out with children. He was always the innocent, smart child until he hit tenth grade. Then things changed. His friends where becoming jealous of him, every girl wanted him for what he could give them money wise, people begging him to help their family out because his dad had cut their parents jobs, a few people even started hating him for what his father had done to their family, all because of his wealthy family. So he became sarcastic and got even smarter so he could prove them all they where wrong, but not wrong about his family and himself but wrong when it came to school work and grades. He of course got into an Ivy League school and made a few good friends there then quickly after went right to working with his parents at their magazine company. He thought it was boring at first with all the paperwork and research but then as he kept doing more in the company he started liking it and wanted to be there five days a week.

Likes: fancy clothes, complements, going to bed early, pop music, playing the piano, cuddling, children, Math, The Truth

Dislikes: arguing, being tired, people scaring him, surprises, waiting

Strength: Singing, organizing money and expenses, playing piano

Weakness: When he's tired he's grumpy, bad memory if he doesn't care for or like the person, impatient with anyone except children

Special Talents: basically a Human calculator

Languages They Can Speak:
English, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, French

Likes learning new things

      You walk into your job as a new model at the Bang Magazine company with a confident face. As you walk into the room you open the door and it hits someone in the face. You quickly react, "oh I'm so sorry!" You say as you see who it is and immediately recognizing it as the heir to the company. He holds his nose for a second then looks at you with a raised eyebrow and a smile. "It's fine, you didn't mean to and nothing broken so please come on in." He replied, and even though the words where kind Ian Kingston's tone of voice did not sound welcoming.

You say/do...


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