Coz ily

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Lisa: *sees Jennie eating ice cream then walks to her while holding a spoon* Baby can I have some?

Jennie: No, get your own

Lisa: *pouts* Pleaseee

Jennie: I said fucking no!

Lisa: Ow-kay... *Heads down then walks away*

(1 hour later)

Jennie: *sees Lisa watching TV* Uh-hey Lis

Lisa: hi *still facing the tv*

Jennie: Why do you still talk to me and cares for even I'm being a badass girlfriend

Lisa: *face Jennie* Because I love you

Jennie: I'm so fucking lucky to have you I love you too also sorry a while ago I didn't give you but I can give me *smirks*

Lisa: *smirks* Sure 

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