I know that

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Lisa: Jennie wait!

Jennie: What?

Lisa: I need to tell you something

Jennie: Go ahead

Lisa: Jennie Kim i like you and i love you so much. Didnt you know i was so crazy when it cames to you? Didnt you know how crazy i am when your texting me and holding my hands and hugging me and thats the answer why im always smiling weird to you and you keep asking that and it took me years to confess to you because i was too scared but jennie... theres one thing that i really need and to complete my life and thats you loving me back.

Jennie: Uh.. L-lisa....

Lisa: Its okay jennie...  i know that i know what will you answer

Jennie: ...

Lisa: i know that and sorry for wasting your time for this stupid confession bye *Runs then tears falls into my eyes*

Jennie: L-lisa..... *shouts*

Lisa: *still running*

Jennie: *runs then trying to catch lisa then shouts really loud*  LISA I LOVE YOU TOO!! I LIKE YOU!!

Lisa: *stops then panting* J-jennie?! Are you kidding me? Right now?

Jennie: No lisa... i love you and i love you so much *Hugs her*

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