Marshall's Pride

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I pulled into the lot of Rally's hotel the night of the military fundraiser she'd asked me to go to and stopped at the valet. Rally's producer was going to have a limo for her and her date, so I wouldn't need to drive. I smirked a little. I almost couldn't wait until the men and women who I was sure were going to be at this thing found out I was there with Rally.

I walked in and went straight to the elevators, knowing that Rally was on the ninth floor. She was originally from North Dakota, but her folks had set her up with temporary lodging here in Detroit while she went to this event and a few others. As I looked around the hotel, I couldn't help but think that they could have gotten her a little bit nicer digs.

When I got to her floor, I walked down the hallway and knocked on her door. My knock was answered by a beefy looking dude in a suit. He took one look at me and narrowed his eyes before calling over his shoulder.

"Rally, are you fucking kidding me?" He yelled and I couldn't help my near immediate response.

My anger spiked as I looked at him with a bland expression. Rally came around the corner, a fucking queen in a royal purple dress that had me warming from the inside in an instant. Rally smiled at me and waved for me to come in before looking at the asshole with a glare and a point.

"Not one word, Marco. You demanded that I go to this thing. Either I go with Marshall, or not at all." She said and I smirked a bit. Rally was fiery; I liked it. The behemoth raised his hands in the air in frustration.

"No, I demanded that you go to this so that you were seen. If you go with him," he said with a point to me. "No one is looking at you. They'll all be looking at the Grammy winner." He said and my anger eased up a bit. Marco was trying not to have his new protégé in the shadows. I could understand that.

"No one is looking at me when she looks like that." I argued and Rally smiled broadly at me and came up to give me a kiss on the cheek, which shocked me silent for a moment. She smelled of coconuts and it felt like her tiny hands left prints on my chest where she'd raised them as she'd done it.

"That's sweet, Marshall. Thank you," she said, her voice almost shy and damn if I didn't want to kick Marco out of the room and see if the slight blush on her skin didn't go further down her dress. I just nodded, however, trying not to let my reaction to her show.

"Fine!" Marco said, his voice elevated. "But, you realize that everyone is going to think you two are an item, right?" He asked as he gestured between us. I looked back down into Rally's eyes and saw hesitation there.

"Give us a minute?" She said to Marco and he nodded and stalked out. Her brows furrowed slightly before she spoke.

"I didn't think of that when I called you, though I should have." She admitted. "Are you okay with that?" She asked and the warmth from earlier came back. I nodded.

"I wouldn't be here if I weren't." I said and she nodded, her eyes starting to shine as an impish smile took over her face. "What?" I asked, somewhat tentatively.

"Well, if you coming is going to cause that kind of ruckus," she said as she nodded her head toward where Marco had left, "then the evening might not be as horrible as I'd feared." She finished and I chuckled.

"You like being a little shit, do you?" I asked, amused. She shrugged and moved to grab her phone and raised her foot to the bed, causing me to swallow hard as I saw one perfectly shaped leg encased in stalkings and a black high heel rest on it as she stowed her phone in a thigh holster. Fuck.

"I'm no rebel." She said as she slipped her dress back down and smoothed it out. "I just don't like pretentiousness." She explained. I was able to think well enough to nod at her as she stepped forward. She looked into my eyes again and smiled and my heart started to race a little. I hadn't felt like this in I couldn't say how long. I cleared my throat and nodded toward the door.

"You ready?" I asked and she took in a breath and nodded.


When we got to the Metro, there was a line of limos about three deep, letting their various occupants out to walk a red carpet to the doors. It was a little over the top, but that's the industry for you. I was tapping my thigh with my hand, anxious to step out of the vehicle. I hate waiting. It's not really in my nature to be terribly patient.

When it was finally our turn, the driver came around and let Marco out first. I swore I heard an audible gasp from some of the press taking photos when I stepped out next and turned to the door. I offered Rally my hand as she put one delicate foot on the ground and she squeezed it in a thank you.

What flashes had been all directed toward the carpet closer to the door suddenly turned to Rally and I. She had a slight misstep as she got out of the limo and I reached out by instinct to keep her from falling. It meant that my hands slid around her waist and her arms met my chest as I steadied her. She smiled as her feet settled.

"Thank you," she said as she looked up into my eyes and I nodded. I stepped back, but I couldn't help but keep a hand at the small of her back as we walked.

Questions were being thrown at us from just about every direction. Rally's eyes met mine, slightly widened, and I shrugged. She could talk to them or not, it wouldn't matter to me. She gave a slight incline of her head when Marco gestured for a spot off to the side where he wanted her to come and do a short interview. She tensed slightly and I rubbed my hand at her back, trying to ease her nerves. She leaned into me slightly, as if trying to tell me that she appreciated it. When we got to the spot where Marco directed her, a woman in a sparkly gown got the ball rolling.

"Rally, you look beautiful tonight." She said and Rally smiled and thanked her. "I have to say, it's a bit of a shock to see who you came with this evening." The woman said and I kept my bland expression on my face; I fucking hate the media. Rally's hand slipped behind her back to clasp mine as she spoke.

"I don't know why that would be. Marshall has always been a proponent of Detroit and he has a longstanding history of philanthropy." Rally said and I couldn't help but be surprised. She spoke with determination while she defended my presence. I squeezed her hand in response as the woman interviewing her tried to pull back on the judgment that had been clear in her first comment.

"Of course! I didn't mean to suggest that at all," she covered and I smirked. Yes, she fucking did. "I was more surprised to see that you and Eminem know each other." She said. "Perhaps, more than know each other?" She asked and I shook my head slightly.

Marco's fear was right. Rally wasn't going to get any attention on her own merit tonight. Rally, for her part though, didn't seem to care. She raised her brows and smiled before looking over her shoulder at me. She turned back to the interviewer and shook her head.

"You're imagining things and frankly, ignoring the purpose of tonight." Rally said firmly. "We're here to help raise awareness and funds for a good cause. Did you know that..."

I almost didn't control the smile that threatened my face as Rally went off on the interviewer, going over facts about Detroit's veterans. In just a few seconds, it became clear that Rally was going to lecture the woman into submission, and I couldn't be more proud of how she'd handled the whole thing. Rally was not only okay with stirring the pot, she also clearly had the backbone to deal with bullshit from the press.

When she'd essentially shamed the interviewer into giving a rat's ass about the actual purpose of the event that we were there for, Rally turned to me and nodded toward the door.

"Let's go see if there's something I can't live without." She said with a smile, referring to the auction that was going to be taking place soon. I nodded and walked with her, my hand still wrapped around hers.

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