Marshall's Response

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My grip on Rally tightened slightly, but I didn't immediately respond to Martin verbally. Instead, I gave him a look which conveyed how much I was over his bullshit already. I may have just met the man, but I knew his kind long before I'd breathed the same air. The fact that he'd used his connections to try to get a piece of ass showed it clear as day.

"Ah, shit." I heard one of the sound guys whisper and I shook my head.

I wasn't going to give this asshole what I knew he was hoping for: a violent response. It would be a win-win for him if I did because he'd get to prove to Rally that I was unstable, and anything that had me reacting like that would be in the press before the ten o'clock news. His sales would go up and I'd be described, once again, as the loose cannon.

"I don't need to." I said with a shrug and a slight smirk. While I wasn't going to respond with violence, I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to let him know that I was on to his shit and to rub salt in the wound that Rally wasn't going to fall for it.

Martin sneered at me slightly, failing to keep his cool for a split second before he slipped back into a false calm. I laughed internally, recognizing that I'd scored a point. He was desperate to prove something and I wasn't playing his game.

"If you say so, man." He responded before he looked down at Rally, an intent smile on his face as he started speaking with her.

"I think that set went well." He said. "Have you heard about the video plans?" He asked and I stiffened somewhat. There's always a possibility of a music video with any song. When there's a duet happening, it tends to be more likely. Given the nature of the song that Rally had written, I'd be an idiot not to know that it was going to be sex-driven.

"I have!" Rally said, sounding excited. I looked down, though, because the tone was just slightly off. I cocked my head a little when I noticed that her eyes held amusement. Whatever she knew about the video, I was pretty sure it wasn't going to make Martin happy.

"Great. I look forward to it." He said as he then turned to give a nod to the other two men in the room. "We should continue this tomorrow. I need to be in the right mood to do the rest." He said and I just barely controlled the urge to roll my eyes. The man was a fucking diva.

The other two nodded and Rally and I stepped aside as Martin moved to leave. He gave me a nod, but Rally a warm smile as he left. Fucking douche. When he was gone, Rally smiled and spoke to the sound guys.

"Are you in good shape?" She asked and they nodded.

"Yeah, we'll see you tomorrow." Chris answered and Rally turned to me.

"I haven't eaten. Are you hungry?" She asked and I pulled her out the door with me, rather than answering. As we walked down the hallway, I couldn't help but feel a little shitty.

"I probably shouldn't have come." I muttered and Rally looked to me with a frown.

"What do you mean?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Your day got thrown off because of me." I explained and Rally shook her head, a twinkle in her eyes as she did.

"Nope. You saved me." She said. "Martin was sounding entirely too twangy in there. It was starting to throw me off." She responded and I nodded before I asked what I'd wanted to back in the room.

"So, what's the secret with the video?" I asked and Rally chuckled as I pushed the door to the parking lot open and we stepped through.

"Martin thinks that he and I are doing it together – that he and I will be depicted as lovers." She said and I tensed. How the fuck was that funny? I didn't say anything, though, because I was waiting for Rally to continue.

"After you'd told me what he was doing, though, I read the Riot Act to Marco and Stephen. I told them that if they were going to try to pimp me out, I was going to quit singing entirely. They folded and promised not to do it again. I made them work it so that the plans for the video changed." Rally was practically skipping now as she told me. As we made it to my car, she swung her hands around my waist and looked up at me, her eyes dancing.

"Now, the plan is that I sing to my lover, while Martin is singing to his." She said. "It's two sides of the coin, but instead of he and I being desperate for each other, we're singing parallel to one another." She grinned. "And I get full say over who acts as my lover in the video." She finished and I nodded.

"Not bad." I admitted.

Rally's plan fixed it so that she and Martin would still be around each other in the studio, but there wouldn't be added time in front of a camera. Martin wouldn't get to have his hands all over her in the name of 'acting'. Though, to be honest, I wasn't loving that there was someone else who was going to be touching her. I must have frowned at the thought, because the next thing I knew, Rally's fingertips were pushing lightly at the pucker between my brows.

"Relax. I had a couple of ideas with that one." She said.

"Yeah?" I asked. "Any of them mean that I don't have to watch some asshole putting his hands all over you?" I inquired, knowing that I was just going to have to suck it up because the chances of that were slim.

"Well," Rally said, her voice taking the tone of a woman looking to convince her man to do something he'd rather not. Shit.

"I was kind of thinking that it could be you." She said and my eyes widened in surprise.

"You want me to act out the scenes in your song with you?" I asked and fucked if my cock weren't hardening at the thought. Rally's words in the studio had been pretty sensual – the kind of thing that would get any man going. Rally leaned up against me, rubbing her body slowly in a circular motion and teasing the fuck out of me.

"I do." She said, her eyes darkening as she felt my arousal.

I pushed her up against the car, attacking her lips as my arms crushed her to me. I didn't know if I'd agree to doing the video or not, but the fact that her first choice was me was a boost to my ego. I pulled back from her enough to move my mouth to her neck, sucking and biting on it before speaking into her ear.

"Why don't we pick something to eat up on the way home and then you can show me what you want me to do?" I said softly, glorying in the shiver that wracked her frame. She pulled back to look at me and bit her lip with a nod, causing me to groan. I fucking loved that look in her eyes.

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