Marshall's Temper

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Rally walked the rest of the way into my place, throwing a smile over her shoulder as she undid one of the buttons to her overalls and tossed the strap over her shoulder. I closed and locked the door before following her, my eyes following her movements.

"And what has you objectifying me today, Mr. Mathers?" She asked, her voice taking on a Southern accent. I shook my head as I walked up to her, pulling her back to me. I leaned into her neck again, nipping at her skin as I answered.

"Some moron thinks that he can get to you through your agent. Wants to do a duet so he can get in your pants." I responded and I felt Rally tense up. I lifted my head to find her frowning at me.

"What do you mean?" She asked, her false accent dropping and her voice and face showing her confusion.

"Paul's heard some rumors that Martin Rawlins is trying to get some. He's got his people working on yours to do a song together so that he can spend the time in the studio working you over." I explained. Rally pulled away and started pacing, looking much like I had when I'd first heard the same thing.

"Marco and Stephen have already worked through the deal. They had me sign off today." She said as she walked, turning to me suddenly. "I didn't know, honey. I swear it." She continued, her face concerned as she faced me. I took a breath before I spoke, trying not to freak on her.

"What's the deal?" I asked and Rally started pacing again.

"We're singing one of mine." She responded. "I wrote it ages ago, just messing around. Earlier this month, Stephen was at the studio with me and some other agent when I was screwing off during a break. The other guy was Martin's agent. He said he loved it and wanted Martin to hear it. We inked an agreement this morning." She groaned as she looked up to the ceiling. "God. I hate this shit." She muttered and I shook my head.

"You signed on for something like that without mentioning it?" I asked, my voice raising. Rally's eyes narrowed as she responded.

"Yes. I. did." She said firmly, her words clipped. "I wasn't aware I had to get permission from you to sing now." She said as she put her hands in her pockets. I stalked closer as I responded.

"Well, if you had, you wouldn't be spending who knows how many fucking hours with a man whose whole goal is to taste your pussy!" I yelled.

"Un-fucking-believable. You actually want me to get your approval for my work now?" Rally asked, disbelief vying with anger. I shook my head as I backed up, raising my hands and swiping at them.

"Nope. You do whatever the fuck you want." I said, turning my back on her as I walked toward the kitchen. I heard her follow me, but didn't look at her as I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"Marshall," Rally said, her voice still angry, but now carrying some pleading to it. I shook my head before jogging it toward the door.

"You should probably go. Wouldn't want your voice to go hoarse." I said and Rally's eyes widened.

"You want me to leave because I'm going to sing with someone?" She asked. "It's like you believe I'm not capable of doing my damn job without jumping him!" She yelled and I shrugged.

"Wasn't too long into meeting me that we fucked." I answered and the moment I saw her eyes glass, I regretted it, but it was too late. Rally nodded and, without another word, turned on her heel and left the room. I hesitated too long in the kitchen, struggling with what I'd just said before I put my water down and raced after her.

"Rally!" I yelled as she was walking out the front door. "Fuck." I said as I jogged toward it. I caught up with her half way to her car, pulling her tense body to me as I hugged her from behind.

"I'm sorry, baby." I muttered against her. "Please-" I swallowed. "Just come back inside." I said, willing her to listen.

Rally stood motionless for a moment, killing me with her silence. She nodded, though, and pulled back and walked toward the door. It didn't take a genius to know that she was still hurt. She wasn't looking at me and she hadn't said anything. I followed her as we walked back through the door and I shut it, blowing out a breath as I did. I fucking knew that Rally wasn't going to let this ass come between us; I was pissed at him, not her. Now, because I'd shot my damn mouth off, she was hurting and it was all my fault.

"Rally, look at me." I demanded softly. She pulled her head up and I saw that tears had made it down her cheeks. I fucking hated that I'd done that. I walked up to her slowly, raising my hands to brush the tears away with my thumbs.

"I didn't fucking mean it." I said as I looked into her dark blue eyes. "I let my temper get away from me." I explained, like that's a fucking excuse, but I had nothing better. Rally nodded and swallowed before she responded.

"I don't cheat, Marshall." She said, her voice low and filled with pain. I nodded as I looked at her.

"I know." I replied, and I did. I couldn't fully explain why I'd been such a dick to her. I knew better than to think she'd run around on me. My jealousy had just reared its head and had taken control.

"I know you don't. That you won't." I reiterated. "That was bullshit and you don't deserve it." I admitted, hoping that her coming back in to talk meant that she'd forgive me. We hadn't been together long. This was our first real fight and I knew I'd hit below the belt. Rally nodded and sucked in a shaky breath before she spoke again.

"Please," she said softly. "Don't do that again. I-" she cut off for a minute before her voice strengthened to her normal tone. "I slept with you so soon because I feel something for you that I haven't with anyone else before. Please don't make me regret it." She continued and I nodded as I pulled her close.

"I won't, baby." I promised, hoping to fuck I could keep it.

Rally and I stood in the entryway of the house, just holding on to each other until I chuckled lowly. She tilted her head to look up at me, a question there which she didn't give voice to. I shrugged as I responded.

"I was thinking that I'd like to make it up to you in the bedroom." I said with a twist of my lips, knowing that it was a gamble to tell her I wanted to have her naked so soon after being such an asshole. I couldn't help it, though. I wanted to show her how I felt, that she was mine and I didn't want to give her up.  Although she could have told me to jump in a fucking lake, Rally proved herself as my girl and responded with her own chuckle.

"I've never had makeup sex before." She admitted. I leaned down to capture her lips in response. Even upset, Rally's kiss was perfect – she ensnared me in the best of ways. I lifted her against me, wrapping her legs around my waist as I walked her to the nearest bedroom. I was going to prove to her that I was sorry.

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