Marshall's Treat

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Rally was smirking at me over her shoulder as we walked into her apartment, and I couldn't help but return the look, though I wasn't certain as to what caused it. When we stepped over the threshold, she closed the door behind me and invited me in with a gesture toward the living room.

As I walked in, I looked around with interest. There were a lot of places that Rally could have chosen to live. I figured that her choice in this place had to have some meaning, so I wanted to take it in with that in mind. What I found, however, just left me a little more confused as to the layers of this beautiful woman.

Rally's place was industrial, but not in the hipster I'm-making-this-old-thing-cool way. Instead, the place looked like it had once genuinely been the location for work, which was frankly a little odd. The place wasn't a stand-alone and wasn't in an old warehouse. Nevertheless, as my eyes flowed over the room, I saw a workbench on two walls, one with a vise still clamped to the end of it. As I looked, I noted that there were still wood shavings on the floor at the end of one.

While the room felt like a shop, the furniture in it looked like the kind of thing you could slip into and fall asleep on in a heartbeat. Old, worn fabric that clearly used to match was set up in the form of a beat to hell couch and two recliners. In the center of them was the only thing in the room that looked relatively new: a wooden coffee table that had what looked like a river carved into it with glass gracing its top. After I walked over to it and examined it, I looked up to see Rally smiling softly.

"There's a place in Montana that makes those. It's in a small town I swung through once. I fell in love with their work, so the first check I got from this gig, I used to buy that table." She explained and I nodded.

"This place looks different than what I would have expected." I said and Rally smiled again.

"Yeah. I didn't like the place that was actually for rent. It was too polished; felt too stiff. I asked the landlord to trade me." She admitted and my brows came together.

"You did what?" I asked, disbelief at what she'd said coloring my words. She shrugged like it wasn't an odd thing to do and made a move toward the kitchen.

"Other than your promised sugar high, can I get you something? A drink, maybe?" She asked and I nodded, but followed her.

"Yeah. What do you have?" I asked and she poked her head in her fridge.

"Hm. Well, I have water, tea, and pop." She said.

"I'll take a water." I said as I looked at the counter which held eleven frosted cupcakes. "You really did eat one of my cupcakes, then?" I asked, giving her shit. She grinned as she held out the bottle of water to me and nodded.

"I'm telling you, it was necessary. Quality control is absolutely imperative." She responded and I chuckled and set my bottle down, pulling her to me by the waist.

"I can think of a lot of imperative things." I said as I leaned down to capture her lips.

I kept one hand on her waist as I reached back with my other hand and swiped at the frosting on one of the cupcakes while I nibbled at her lips. When I pulled back, I lifted my finger to show her that I had gathered a good amount on the tip. She chuckled lowly, the sound wrapping itself around the base of my spine. That chuckle, however, turned to a gasp and a moan as I wiped the sugar on her neck and then leaned in to suck it off.

"Marshall," she whispered as I continued to lick and bite at her skin. Her hands were clenched on my biceps as she arched slightly away so that I had greater access. I smiled against her as I reached back for more frosting.

Securing the confection, my finger traced a line of it from her collarbone to the top of her breast, just where it was hidden by the fabric of her dress. I let my mouth trail down, sucking the sugar from her until all I could taste was her skin itself before I moved on to the next part. Rally was panting as I did and fucked if that reaction wasn't exactly what I'd been hoping for.

"You have any more frosting, baby?" I asked as I sucked the last of it off the rise of her breast. I could steal it all from what she'd baked, but I was hoping there was a tub somewhere that I could just take with us back to the bedroom.

"In the fridge," Rally answered, her breathy response causing my cock to harden to an almost painful degree.

Rally had the kind of voice that teased at a man's control. It wasn't surprising that she'd been discovered. Rather, the surprising part was that it had taken so long for the industry to find her. Right now, her voice and her clear approval of my proposed plan were winding me tighter than a fucking spring. I nodded and opened the appliance, grabbing the tub of frosting and then turning back to the woman who I had every intention of covering with it.

"Where to, baby?" I asked, holding the tub up and shaking it slightly. Rally laughed a little and stepped close, lifting up to place a kiss on the corner of my mouth.

"I think you need a way to salvage your male pride at having lost earlier," Rally said. "So, you're just going to have to catch me." She concluded as she pulled back and stared in my eyes for a brief moment before turning and running. She caught me off guard, her laughter floating behind her in challenge as she disappeared.

I smiled with intent and pulled my shirt off and tossed it on the counter and then picked the tub back up before I followed her. I scanned the living room, noting that there were no places for her to really hide. As my gaze swept the area, though, I caught movement out of the corner of my eye.

I ran toward it and Rally squealed as I captured her, tackling her onto her bed as we reached the bedroom. I pulled back to look into her laughing face as I shook my head.

"That was too easy," I said. "It does nothing to appease my wounded ego." I continued and Rally's face took on a mock seriousness.

"Well, then I think you're just going to have to drown yourself in sugar after all." She said, her eyes darkening with desire as I leaned back on my heels and opened the tub to scoop out another glob of the sweet treat. I nodded as I drew a line up her thigh with it, shifting my body down to bite and suck it off of her as she moved against me.

"I think that would be best."

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