Marshall's Surprise

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About two weeks after our fight, I stalked into the far building of the studio that Rally had been using. I hadn't told Rally I was coming, not because I expected to catch her creeping, but because I was curious about her process. If she knew I was going to be here, then she might do things differently. So, I'd had Paul call over and get me a pass to get in without all the fanfare - the owners of the studio had apparently fallen over themselves to get it to me, hoping that I might use their facilities for my own work. It was never going to happen, but I wasn't going to ruin their fantasy.

As I made my way down the hallway toward the door that my escort said was Rally's assigned booth, I looked around with interest. I wouldn't have expected a studio in Detroit to be terribly into country or pop and yet the pictures of the artists who had worked here were almost all that. As I got closer to where I knew Rally to be, I noted that the pictures started getting older and more varied in musical style. There were even a few blues singers that I recognized by face, though I couldn't remember their names.

When we got to Rally's assigned spot, my escort held open the door to the equipment side. I slipped in and looked through the glass to see an angel singing like the devil.

Rally was dressed comfortably in beat up jeans and a closer fitting, retro band shirt. Her hair was pulled back into some kind of braid thing that looked like she'd spent hours on it. Her makeup was light, but her face was rosy with the efforts of her singing. Frankly, she looked good enough to eat and I smirked because I knew I was the only man in the building who had that pleasure.

In contrast to her innocent looks, however, were the words Rally was belting out. I hadn't seen the lyrics for the song that she'd agreed to do with Martin, but now I was getting a sneak peak. It had a bluesy, sultry feel to it that was hot as fuck. It reminded me of how Rally was with me privately, although I was pleased to hear that her voice still wasn't hitting that level it did when I riled her up. She was invoking a woman who was aching for her lover, but she wasn't actually experiencing it.

It was a good thing, too, since that Martin fuck was in the booth with her. The song she'd written was a back and forth number that had her doing a piece and then him responding. His twang was annoying, completely fucking up the sound that Rally was striving for. That he was the douche that was trying to get her horizontal had nothing whatsoever to do with my distaste of his voice - or so I told myself.

As I entered the room and watched her, I felt something click in my chest. Although we were still figuring things out and making our way together, I knew that I'd fallen for her. Her sense of humor, her realism, the way she smelled and how she'd run her hands over my neck and head to soothe me when we were together - everything about her was exactly what I found I wanted. It was amazing, because I hadn't really been in love with someone in a long time, and that experience had been completely different and decidedly more toxic.

With Rally, my world felt whole. I breathed easier when she was around. While I wasn't the same arrogant fuck I'd been when I was twenty, I was still plenty volatile. Rally, however, seemed to pull the calmer, wiser part of me out. Fuck, she pulled the playful side of me out, too. I'd laughed more with her in the short time we'd been together than I had in the entire two years before we met. So, as I watched her sing about desire and need, I realized that it wasn't just that which now had me wrapped up around her finger. I wanted Rally's soul to be mine as much as mine was hers.

"Holy shit!" I heard one of the guys near the controls say as they realized I was standing there. He said something to his buddy and then stood, putting his hand out.

"I'm Chris." He said as I shook his hand with a nod. He paused and looked over his shoulder. "Did, uh, Rally know you were coming?" He asked and I cocked my head at him.

"Nah. I'm here to surprise her." I said as I heard the other sound guy speak into the com system when Martin cut off his part of the song suddenly.

"Where the hell is Chris?" Martin called into the mic and I did my best not to mouth off. Chris jogged back over to the com to respond as I walked further into the room.

"Right here, man." Chris said as he sat back into his place.

Martin, however, was no longer interested in what Chris was doing because he was now looking at me. I raised a brow, certain he was the kind of man who'd see the challenge in it, and I was right. He tensed up and turned to Rally.

"You brought him to watch?" He asked Rally, who had been retying her shoe during Martin and my visual standoff. She stood and smiled widely at seeing me, warming me with her reaction. Baby girl likes it when I'm around. I gave her a half smile before I looked back at Martin, who was scowling. This shit just got funny and fast.

"Marshall!" She cried. She took off her headphones and stepped out of the sound booth, coming up to me with a grin.

When Rally got to me, she slid her arms up my neck and reached up to kiss me. Now, I'm man enough to admit that while I love kissing Rally, I put on a little show for the benefit of the asshole. Instead of the lighter kiss that I knew she'd intended, I deepened it by pulling her hard against me, my hands coming to just above her ass. Rally, wonderful woman that she was, responded enthusiastically.

Our lips met and parted, our tongues skimming over each other as we held the other. What started as a 'fuck off' warning to Martin quickly turned into the kind of kiss that had the two of us breathless. Even before I knew I loved her, Rally's kiss had a way of enchanting me. Now that I knew how much I felt for her, it was only getting better and it seemed like Rally agreed, because she didn't part from me until one of the other men in the room coughed awkwardly.

I narrowed my eyes at the sound, not appreciating anyone who would be such a ridiculous cock-block. We're all adults. If they didn't want to watch me greet my woman, they could look the fuck away. When I looked back down into Rally's eyes, though, I lost my aggravation. She had the slightly dazed appearance she gets when I'm about to rock her and I fucking loved that I did that to her. I kept my arm around her waist as she turned and looked at the men before us, her smile returning.

"Guys, this is Marshall." She introduced. "This is Chris, Bruce, and Martin." She continued with a point to each man. I didn't move from her side, instead giving a nod to each man as she spoke. Rally turned to me after she finished and I looked back down to find a question in her eyes. I shrugged as I answered it.

"Wanted to see you in action." I said and I was dazzled by her expression. Fuck, it had been so long since someone had made me feel so good about who I was. Rally did it just by being so damn happy to be around me. It was addictive. I was sucked into the feeling when Martin decided to be a prick.

"You mean you wanted to see if she was behaving herself."

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