Marshall's Solution

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"So, you want to set the guy up?" Paul asked as I sat across from him at lunch later that day. I nodded as I drank and looked around the restaurant.

"Yeah. I want Rally to have her phone recording when he pulls this shit. Then, when he tells her what he wants her to say, we can use it to bury him."
I said, my teeth grinding as I did.

I was more pissed off than I had been in years. Not only had this douche bag threatened the women in my life, he'd made Rally cry. Fuck, he'd made Rally consider leaving me - that it was her intention to protect me and the ones I love only made it that much worse because she apparently didn't fucking get that she counted amongst them. It infuriated me that she'd think I could walk away. When this shit was handled, she and I were going to have a talk about things. For now, though, I was going hunting.

"Alright. Well, I can help you set it up with the local P.D." Paul responded and I nodded.

I'd thought about doing this all internally, but had decided that making it legit was better. Rally was really the target after all. Involving the police would make sure that any idiot who had thoughts that she was susceptible would think hard before going after her. If some douche ended up with a ruined career and some jail time, hopefully others would steer clear. And if that didn't work? Well, it may have been a while, but I still remember how to kick some ass if I needed to.

"Good. I'll talk to Rally." I said and Paul nodded.

He hadn't been sure about us when we'd started. Like a lot of people on my side of the industry, he tended to view pop singers with hesitation. Adding a bit of a country vibe only solidified his skepticism. After he'd meet Rally, however, he'd changed his mind. Rally had some quirks about her that made her endearing to me, which Paul saw in how fucking whipped I was when she was near. Thankfully, he saw enough feeling on her side not to become a protective asshole. It wouldn't have stopped me, but it would have made things a little tense. Now, he seemed to be about ready to make us a 'ship name.

"She really planned to split up?" He asked and I have a nod and looked away. "You realize that she was being selfless, right? That it shows how much she cares?" He prodded and my lips twisted.

"Yeah. Cares so much that she'd leave." I said, the words sounding as bitter as they tasted on my tongue.

"Fuck, man. Come on. Think about it. Don't you want to be with someone who puts you first? Who'd literally rip her own heart out rather than see your daughters hurt?" He asked and I sighed.

"Of fucking course I do." I replied. "But what about the next time? I got lucky, Paul. I overheard the conversation that brought this all up. What happens when she thinks she's protecting me and I don't know the backstory?" I asked and he shook his head as he finished chewing.

"There won't be a next time. The reason she didn't tell you first is because she wasn't sure where she stood with you. You fix that and you got nothing to worry about." He insisted.

I nodded as I considered his words. I'd held back in telling Rally how I felt because I was afraid that things would go to shit. If both Dre and Paul were telling me to give it a leap, then I really should consider it. Fuck, now that I'd told her I loved her, the cat was out of the bag anyway. I might as well make it perfectly clear to her what she meant to me.

Paul noted my need to think and let me be for the remainder of the meal, leaving the sounds of the restaurant around us as the background to my mental puzzle. By the time we were done, I had concluded that the best way to do what I needed to involved doing the opposite of what I'd done - of what had led to Rally's doubts. It was the kind of thing I hadn't done in ages, but that alone would bolster her belief.


"I hate this," Rally said to me as we sat outside the building where she was to give her 'interview'.

I nodded as I grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze. We were far enough away from the doors that no one would know I'd been the one to drop her off. Even if they did, though, there'd be no reason for anyone to question it. After all, until the fucker in that building released his 'scoop' on Rally and me, everyone would think we were as the press had been presenting us:  a freak accident that was sure to be corrected with enough time.

"You got this." I responded. "Just invoke your inner Slim." I joked and she laughed, the sound easing the tension in the car and lightening her whole demeanor.

"Before I go in, I have a confession." She said. I raised a brow, curious but not concerned.

"I finally listened to all of your songs." She continued and I nodded, waiting for her to tell me, because I knew there was more. "I like most, love some." She said, leaving aside the obvious fact that there were some that weren't her thing. Well, that's not terribly surprising, really. I have a few...intense songs out there.

"But the one that gets stuck in my head, that I can't help but listen to on repeat, is Heat." She said with a twinkle in her eyes.

I smirked as she leaned over and ran her hand up my thigh. I didn't stop her from reaching me. Instead, I reached down and unbuckled her seat belt and mine and then pulled her into my lap. Rally's knees came to rest on either side of my hips and her hands cupped my face as she bent down to kiss me.

I let my hands roam over her freely, massaging her ass under her skirt while our lips tangled together. Soon we were breathing hard, but we were too caught up in each other to let something as necessary as air get in our way. Instead, as I shifted the seat back, Rally leaned away and grinned at me.

I watched her through hooded eyes as she undid the buttons on my pants and I moaned when she leaned forward, slipping her hand down to shift her panties aside before she sat, enveloping my cock. The confined space meant that we were rocking into each other more than anything, leaving me with the feeling of being buried deep inside her at almost every moment.

"Fuck," I said against her neck as I felt my release approaching. I knew by the sound and feel of her that Rally was close, too. I thrust upward as she bounced down, her head thrown back in pleasure as she came around me, milking me as her body convulsed over mine and yanking me into the deepest throes of pleasure. 

A few minutes later, I kissed her softly, needing her to know. When we parted, I looked in her eyes as my hand came up to cup the side of her face.

"I'm going to spend the rest of my fucking life loving you."

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