Part 20

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"Hang on, Kumajirou we're almost there" said Canada who was holding onto Kumajirou. Canada managed to escape from both Matt and Al and made a successful attempt to run far away. "Canada, I'm scared" whimpered Kumajirou who was afraid of what's going to happen to him but mostly to Canada. "I.... I know you are and I'm scared too, but we need to keep going till we eventually get help" said Canada who trying to catch his breathe. Canada then runs over to a large rock which had a small little opening underneath it that looked like it was big enough to crawl through. Canada lets Kumajirou crawl through first before crawling through behind him.

"There.... we.... we should be.... safe here for now, I hope" said Canada before slowly breathing in and out. "If we're going to find help, then where are we going then?" asked Kumajirou. "We're going to the capital and probably find my boss. He should know what to do" said Canada while pulling out a water bottle and offering it to Kumajirou. "No, I don't need it but you should keep yourself hydrated" said Kumajirou while shaking his head. "Oh, why thank you Kumajirou. That's so nice if you to care for me for times like this" said Canada while smiling before taking a sip of water. "I care for you because you're my best friend" said Kumajirou. "Awww.... Kumajirou, you're my best friend too. Hey, I think we're safe now so we can get out of here and continue on" said Canada. Then Kumajirou crawled out along with Canada following him, before picking up Kumajirou and placing him on his back. "With that out of the way, let's keep going" said Canada before walking.

~Meanwhile In Europe~

"Alright since ve're all here, ve can get down to business" said Germany before seeing a hand going up. "Ja, vhat iz, Estonia?" asked Germany as eyes all turned to the Baltic state. "Well I have something really important to tell you all and it's a concerning issue" said Estonia. "He's right it is very concerning. It was so concerning that Estonia left Russia and came to tell me about it" said Sweden. "Yeah and I sure wonder what it was about" mocked Denmark before getting his tie pulled on by Norway who was chocking him. "Shut it you stupid Dane, he's trying to say something" said Norway who wasn't having none of it today.

"Thanks Lukas, anyway..... as I was saying, me and Eduard were talking about the issue with North Korea" said Sweden which caused everyone to start talking. "I heard that he's a bad influence to the world" said Netherlands. "I heard that he beaten up Russia and nearly killed him" said Belgium. "Yeah he did and he never apologized to Australia for what he did" said Turkey. "Everyone shut up!!! I know zhat I never yell out like zhis besides I do it all zhe time vhen disagreeing, but zhe talk about North Korea has been out of hand for years!" yelled Switzerland who was standing up. "He does have a point, amigos. Don't you think that's time to forgive him for everything he's been through?" asked Spain.

"Sure he may be scary as a zhought to come back, but he's changed" said Austria. "Changed? How can that be?" asked Latvia who was had his shoulder being patted by Lithuania. "Easy, it's called having Italy und me being awesome like alvays" said Prussia while smiling proudly. "Oh mein gott, bruder it vasn't just jou zhat changed him it vas all of us" said Germany who was trying to I gore what Prussia just said. "But Vest jou got to admit zhat I did somezhing. I got him to change his views" said Prussia. "Bruder, I swear zhat.... oh forget it" said Germany.

"So you're saying that Italy befriended North Korea?" asked Finland. "Si, he-a did and I-a was surprised at first by it" said Romano. "Well that makes sense. Where is Italy by the way?" asked Iceland while getting Norway to let go of Denmark's tie. "Well... he's-a... uh... excuse me while-a I'll go get him. Well-a don't just sit there in silence, continue on with the meeting you-a potato eating bastard" said Romano while getting up and went out of the room. "I seriously need to get him to stop calling me zhat. Anyvay let's continue" said Germany. As soon as Romano left the meeting room, he went to find his brother.

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