Chapter 20

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                We had nothing to warm Abigail up with.  We were all soaked to the bone, with nothing dry on us.  We were all freezing, but if Abigail didn’t get warm she would freeze to death.  I took Abby and held her, Lian and Nathan picked Fisher up underneath the shoulders and carried him back to the overhang.  Sitting him down, I laid Abigail down as close to the building as I could.  Lian checked his vitals.

                “You’re hypothermic as well, we have to warm you up.” She said.

                “I’m fine, help Abigail.” He said.

                “You need medical help.  Which there is more of on the Osprey, but we don’t know how to contact the Osprey.  Shouldn’t the suit warm her up?” Lian said.

                “Flar,” Abby muttered.  Maya and Lian instantly looked over. “Flare.  Flare.  Che flare,”

                “What?” Nathan asked.

                “Chem. Flare,” I said. “We can use a chem. flare to signal the Osprey.”

                “Using what?”

                “Tracer rounds.”

                “Who is carrying tracer rounds?” Gabe asked.

                “Abigail and I are,” Fisher said.  He was really pale and shivering.

                “Why are you carrying tracer rounds?” Lian asked.  Fisher didn’t respond, but dug out six magazines from his tactical suit.  He pulled six out of Abigail’s suit. “Those are all tracer rounds.”

                We pulled the bullets apart and dumped the phosphorous into a grenade shell.  Now we had the problem of how to light it.

                “Didn’t Abigail take Ames’s Zippo from him?” I said.

                “Yeah,” Lian said.  She ran over and went through her pockets.  She pulled the silver Zippo out and held it up.  Hopefully the phosphorous would stay alight long enough to catch Redding, Sandy and Birds attention.  She lit the grenade and set it down in the rain.  The phosphorous lit and burned slowly.  Thank god. “Again, shouldn’t the suit warm her up?”

                “The suit is designed to maintain internal body temperature with external temperatures between negative fourteen and a hundred and fifteen degrees.  It keeps you at normal body temperature, it doesn’t raise it or lower it.” Fisher explained.



                Our headsets were full of static as we flew through the storm.  No lightening, just a shit storm of rain.  I had a pair of trifocals on from the back.  Our night vision goggles batteries were fine, we just liked to play with the Splinter Cell toys occasionally.  Redding was clutching the bottom of the third seat in the cockpit.  Pale red lights were illuminating it for him as we orbited over top to the base.  The Osprey rattled, shook, dropped and gained altitude with the variable pressure pockets inside the storm.

                I saw a flash of heat as I switched over to thermal. “Bird, check out your thermal.  What do you think that splotch of heat is?”

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