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Nicole cradled me in her arms like a rag doll, shaking feverishly.  Her tears cascaded down her transparent cheeks majestically, and all I could do was watch and drown.  I reached out to Tim, helpless to save him, but wanted to comfort him in his final moments. 

Instead of walking past me, Luna stepped on my hand, tripping, and fell ungracefully.  Nicole hissed at the clumsy vampire, cursing, and squeezed me too tightly.  My breasts felt like sandbags on the brink of exploding.

Luna muttered her apologies, but her eyes seemed shadowed with mischief. 

"Help me drag Amber to Tim! She needs to drink his blood!" Nicole demanded.  Luna shook her head in refusal. 

Micheal was by his brother's side as soon as he was freed from Theodorus's spell.  Micheal bit his own wrist like a psychopath, and held it over Tim's dried, cactus lips. 

"Drink," Micheal warned. 

"I have to give Amber blood," Tim said weakly.

"Forget about her, this is justice.  You've waited too long, you won't be able to save her.  You can't help someone that's already dead," Micheal said, force feeding his younger brother. 

"You bastard!" Nicole screamed, "I thought you were on our side!"

"All I care about is saving my brother."

Luna walked towards Theodorus, and whispered something in his ear.  He seemed frozen.  He couldn't avert his gaze from Victoria's pretty face.  I didn't think Theododurs was capable of emotions, but it was like he didn't have the heart to kill his creation, even if she is a monster. 

Victoria's broken neck left her paralyzed.  Her smile was still plastered on her face, despite being so close to a soiled carpet. 

Tim drank greedily from Micheal's wrist, his slurping and my crying made the room sound perverse, like lovers, and I was repulsed.  Despite drinking so much blood, Tim was still wounded.

"You can't heal your brother," Luna stated.

"Why not?" Micheal screamed, ready to rip Luna's head off her shoulders.  The older Asian brother appeared daunting, intimidating the piss out of me, but Luna was not scared.  She rolled her eyes at him, her tongue made clucking sounds, and she thrust a slender finger at his bony chest. 

"Pull my finger and I'll tell you why," she cooed. 

Micheal's uni-brow was starting to look vertical, but he cast his doubts aside, and pulled Luna's finger.   What she did next, melted my heart, and forever earned my respect.  Luna hitched her leg up and let it rip.

If I wasn't already dying, I would've died laughing.  I couldn't believe Luna farted on Micheal.  That's real friendship.  Luna looked back at me, shook her hips and winked at me. 

I didn't have to be a mind reader to recognize what she was recollecting, I already knew. 

"You can't heal him because you're his creator.  You made the ultimate sacrifice and this is the end of the road.  Tim is severely injured.  There's nothing else you can do."

"There has to be something I can do," Micheal cried womanly. 

"Only a new vampire can save him," Luna spat.  

"A new vampire is freakishly strong," Tim rasped, "Amber can save me."

With new determination, Tim began crawling across the floor towards me.  His legs looked like sticks dragging behind him.  He reminded me of a slug or a suicidal turtle.  Tim was bleeding out, my carpet was officially ruined and I knew I would never get my security deposit back. 

Possibly it was selfish, but while Victoria was crying out for Tim, he was slowly making his way out to me. 

"Are your legs broken?" I asked in between screams of pain.

"No," Tim huffed.

"Then why don't you walk?"

Tim glared evilly at me.  Normally I wouldn't be in a hurry, but I'm dying, and my savior is still halfway across the room. 

"You've lost too much blood, you won't survive," Micheal said. 

"Micheal is-," Nicole almost gagged on the words, "right."  With those words, my best friend started to munch on her arm like it was a blueberry cake donut. 

"Stop it Nicole.  If you do this, you will have to sacrifice your life," Luna cursed.

"I can't do nothing."

"I told you before, Amber is going to die.  There's nothing you, or anyone else can do about it."  Luna was standing next to Victoria's limp body.  Suddenly, Victoria wasn't smiling. 

Grabbing a humongous fist full of hair, Luna dragged Victoria across the living room. 

"I can't watch this," Theodorus gulped.

"You're an Illuminati Knight of Justice and a witness.  Victoria must be executed for her crimes against Amber, so I think it's only justice that she sacrifices herself."

Everything was happening so quickly.  Nicole placed me gently on the ground, careful not to move my body too much.  Victoria was dropped next to me, our eyes met, and her screams reached decibels unknown to the human race.

Luna made a small incision in Victoria's arm, and brought the fresh blood to my lips.  I wanted to throw up, this was egregious, but I found myself anticipating the taste.  I was suddenly ravenous, and drank Victoria's blood like it was better than chicken pot pie. 

When it became hard to breathe, I rolled over, and quickly fell asleep.  I felt drunk with the itis, and wanted to sleep forever.  It was all too soon that I was being shaken awake, back to reality.  I was holding Tim in my arms.  Micheal was crying in my ear, apologizing for everything and begging me to save Tim. 

"Have you been eating out of my cats liter box?" I asked, revolted by his ca-ca breath.  The whole room smelt like smoldering cat urine. 

"What? Of course not!" Micheal said defensively. 

"It's called personal space, and f.y.i., toothpaste is your friend," I rasped, trying to breathe clean air.  Tim was unconscious, and I watched him while he slept like a creeper.  He looked adorable.  My instinct kicked in, and for the first time in my life, or lack thereof, I knew exactly what to do. 

Destined to be together forever, I cut my finger, and forced it into Tim's mouth. 

Dear readers,

I just want to say how awesome you are, that you have stomachs of steel, and that I appreciate all of your support.  I can't thank you enough.  I will be writing one more chapter and a short epilogue. 

I hope you like this chapter.  If you feel like something didn't make sense, please let me know so I can fix it.  I've had so much fun writing 'Toilet'.  :)

Did anyone guess what was going to happen? How do you feel about Luna? Does anyone feel bad about Victoria?

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