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So... Like I said in the description I will be working on my comics and turning them from drawings to words. Which will probably be hard no doubt. 

I hope you guys like this. This might help give me ideas for future projects and what not so. And who knows... People might ACTUALLY be interested in reading this.

So... For covers, I will happily draws those cause well... I love drawing. Music wise. I might use original videos or a cool WELL DONE AND COMPLETED animation like XboxGamerK, wishuponacrane, etc. So expect those kind of things. Also. I don't know the EXACT ORDER these comics came in so... I might get mixed up with which song came before which so... Up until this recently I know which songs are in order. Its the EARLY ONES that are an issue.

I might have the first one up (HOPEFULLY) soon. I think the first comic I did was "Determination" by DJSmell and Lollia which is a parody of "Irresistible" by Fall Out Boy and Demi Lovato.

Anywho... Yeah... Hope you guys like this. First one may be out soon depends I guess. I don't know. And it might not be perfect, so just bear with me hear... Also, I'll add credits for the songs and animations maybe add a link in the comments if the videos on here don't work for you...


Bye! Peace

EDIT (10/29/2018

Turns out that it wasn't "Determination" it was "Left Behind" by DAGames. So expect that surprise later on when I do THAT song now which will the FIRST SONG NOW.

That is all.

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