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For how long have Minho and I been together? I think 7 years.
And after 7 years of being together, kissing, doing everything together, just loving each other, he did all of that with someone else, while we were together.

He kissed someone else, he also loved someone else and I was stupid enough to not notice it.

Well let me start from the beginning~
Minho and I had a date today and I waited for him to come to the park. He was already an hour to late and I started worrying. I called him - no answer. I texted him - not delivered.
So I started walking around to look for him.
I looked everywhere, and being the lucky guy I am, it started raining and I was soon soaked with water.

I couldn't seem to find him though. So I went back to our home and I froze when I saw someone in front of our door.
Someone kissed. When the two boys parted, I gasped when I realized who it was.
Minho waved goodbye to him and the person turned around, stuffed his hands into his pockets and started jogging away.
After that I couldn't manage to go home. So I made my way to my best friend, Felix.

At his house I rang the bell and he soon after opened it.
He was shocked to see me like this - soaked in water and crying a river.

"What the heck Jisung! Come in!" he said and pulled me inside.
I immediately hugged him and cried into his shoulder. He hugged me back and held me tightly to make sure I'm warm.

I sobbed a few times and after awhile, I pulled away to look at Felix. He looked at me worried and I felt my eyes burn again.

"What happened?" he said soothingly.

"I-I d-don't Know..." I stuttered, a big sob following.

Felix looked at me a bit confused but decided to leave it like that.

He headed to a room and gestured me to go inside. I did so and it was a bedroom.

I looked at Felix and smiled.
"Thank you."

"No problem. Everything for my best friend. I'll get you things to change!"

With that he left the room and I took off my jacket and my shoes.
Felix came back with a big white hoodie and some comfy pants. He handed it to me and I changed quickly.

"Okay good Night Jisungie. We'll talk tomorrow okay?"

I nodded and Felix left the room and shut the door.
I lay down onto the bed and stared at the ceiling.

It felt like ages that i finally drifted off to sleep.

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