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"Leave now, Minho." he said.
I looked at him sad, but he just turned around and walked away. I turned to Felix and glared at him.

"I swear to everything I have, you will regret that. I swear I will ruin your life. You will be totally broken and I promise, you will lose Jisung."
With that I left and Felix looked at me.
I slammed the door behind me and walked home.

The next days nothing special happened. I was just really sad and negatively touched from the whole Jisung situation.

But I wanted to prove him that he can trust me.
So I walked to his house again.
When I came to Felix's house, I frowned. The door was a tiny bit open. I rolled my eyes, because of Felix's dumbness.
I heard how Jisung talked, but I couldn't understand what exactly.
I opened the door and quietly slipped inside. "F-Felix what are you doing? Stop that..." what was happening in there??
I tip toed to the living room and slightly looked inside.
What I saw then, made me so angry, I couldn't even describe.

Felix moved closer and closer to Jisung and I was like frozen. I couldn't do anything. I just stood there and waited until Felix' lips touched Jisung's and that's when I finally could move.
I angrily walked to them, pulled Felix' away from Jisung, by pulling him back on his shoulder.
I hit him and he tumbled backwards. He fell down and it looked like he was unconscious. I grabbed Jisung's wrist and pulled him out of the house, heading to my house. He just jogged after me, and didn't say anything.
When we arrived at my house, i opened the door and pulled him inside.
"Jisung, what the fuck were you doing?! You know, I never tried to kiss Felix! But, of course, you had to believe him and not me! He just talked crap and you just believed him instead not me! You know, I tried so much! I tried to make you trust me again!"
He just looked at me, a little mad and a little guilty.
But the guilt slowly faded and the madness took over his face.
"You know Minho!! I wasn't the one who ruined all of this! You betrayed me with that asshole! And maybe I just don't want to be with you! Maybe I just want you to disappear! Maybe I just don't want you to talk to me! Maybe I just don't want you to fix this and try to win me back!" he shouted at me.

I stepped back one step and looked at him, the guilt now overcoming my face.
"Do you want me to not do all of this? Do you want me to just leave you alone? Do you want me to disappear just like this? Want me to not fight for our relationship? Then just tell me, and I will never talk to you again, never look at you and never think about you. Just tell me now."

Cheater | Minsung (Paused) Where stories live. Discover now