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After Virgil became a light side and left the dark sides, Deceit realised that he needed someone to replace him in order to keep the dark sides powerful. He knew that no replacement dark side would arrive so he had to convince one of the light sides to join him on the dark side. And who was the easiest target? Patton.

Patton was the most guilable and had the most power over Thomas out of all the sides so it was perfect. Plus Patton was on the edge of breaking. He had been feeling really down recently and as if he wasn't good enough and like the others hated him, although he didn't know why. All Deceit had to do was convince Patton that his fears were true.

Deceit is able to do this successfully, making Patton believe that the others hated him and would prefer it if he were gone. But then he tells Patton that if he joins the dark sides, things will be easier and he will be appreciated and loved and feeling desperate and broken, Patton believes him and agrees to join the dark sides.

What happens next is up to you. Who you play is also up to you and whether or not you want to start where the prompt starts or start where the prompt stops

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