Pirate AU

115 1 37

AU where one or more of the sides are pirates

Scenario 1: Side A is a pirate and side B is a siren. Side B's job is to lure pirates to their death with his singing but things don't go quite to plan

Scenario 2: Side A and Side B are captains of rival pirate ships

Scenario 3: Side A is the captain of the pirate ship and Side B is just the deckhand who works endlessly but never seems to get any thanks

Scenario 4: Side A is the captain of a pirate ship and side B is a crew member of the rival pirate ship who side A kidnapped and is holding hostage

Scenario 5: Side A is the Captain of a pirate ship and Side B is a regular civilian who Side A is holding hostage and trying to force to marry him

Scenario 6: Make it up

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