Mermaid AU

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Taken from my ship roleplay book. Does not have to include a ship. Can be platonic

AU where some of the sides are mermen.

Scenario 1- Side A is a merman prince and side B is an exiled sea witch, exiled by side A's father. Side A was exploring the ocean one day when they stumbled upon side B's cave. Side B decided to kidnap them to take revenge on their father

Scenario 2- Side A is a merman and side B is a human, a life guard to be specific. Side A often went up to the surface to see side B even though he never spoke to him. However, one day, side A got washed onto the shore and side B had to look after them

Scenario 3- Side A is a siren and side B is a sailor. Side A once tried to seduce side B but ended up falling inlove with him

Scenario 4- Make it up

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