Random collection of prompts

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So, I realised that I have had loads of story ideas written down which I'll probably never write so I thought it might be a good idea to turn them into prompts for roleplays so I can kinda write them in a way. Some ideas are more fleshed out than others but you can change them slightly and choose which direction they go in. Some also have previous ships in mind which you can again change. I haven't really changed the wording much so apologies if they sound like a story too much rather than a prompt. Anyways, here we go:

Prompt 1: A deal with the devil- One day, Patton made a deal with Deceit. However, he couldn't restrain himself and ended up breaking the deal. When he did so, Deceit was filled with anger and forced Patton to give him one of the most precious things in the mind palace as a punishment: himself.

Prompt 2: The sweet escape of lies- Patton never had the highest self esteem and was never the happy person he pretended to be but somehow, he pushed through. However, one day, everything became too much and his world came crashing down. That was when he met Deceit. Deceit fed him lies which could always cheer up Patton. Eventually, they started dating but not because Patton fell in love with Deceit but because he was addicted to the lies he was told. What will the others do when they find out?

Prompt 3: Growing up- Growing up is something that happens to everyone whether we want to or not. We all start as a seedling, a baby and slowly sprout into a beautiful flower. And just like humans, the sides have to grow up too. Join them on their journey from being children to teenagers to adults and the chaos that happens in between

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