Ghost AU

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Trigger warnings for death and murder. Also spoiler warning for the newest Sanders Sides.

AU where all the sides are ghosts from different time periods and now all haunt Thomas's house. However, instead of being scared of them, Thomas is acting friends with them and tries to look after them and help them. The storyline can be whatever you want. I've only added in the canon sides and Thomas but if you really want to add in Remy, Picani or one of Thomas's friends, please just let me know.

Also a few quick notes for this one:
The ages are the age they died
All ships are allowed except from Roman and Remus since they are brothers in this AU so it's incest. Also, please do not ship any adults with Virgil and Patton due to the the gaps. However, if you really want to add in s ship apart from Moxiety including these two, please let me know so that I can change any ages/ information for our roleplay
Ships are not compulsory but are optional
You can change the characters slightly if you so wish. Just please let me know

These are our characters:

Thomas Sanders:
Age: 30
Status: Alive
Information: Thomas lives in a large house by himself, or at least did before he realised that he was being haunted by ghost. Instead of being scared however, he was actually glad and almost relieved that he wasn't alone so is now friends with all of the ghosts, or at least most of them, and ensures that they are safe, especially Patton.

Patton Hartley:
Age: 11
Status: Deceased
Year he died: 1973
Cause of death: He was burnt to death in a fire
Information: Patton was an orphan from a young age so never really had any family or anyone at all who loved him. He died when the orphanage he lived in was burnt in a fire. Everyone got out except from Patton, who was trapped in his room engulfed by the flames with no one caring enough to save him

Logan Berry
Age: 34
Status: Deceased
Year he died: 1920
Cause of death: Being shot
Information: Logan was the leader of a famous gang and being so strategical and logical, he alwaysamaged to succeed in any missions. All missions except one in which he was unsuccessful and ended up being shot by a rival gang member

Roman Prince:
Age: 29
Status: Deceased
Year he died: 1367
Cause if death: Assasinated by his jealous brother Remus
Information: Roman was a medieval prince, soon to be king, adored by all his people. Well everyone except Remus, his jealous younger brother. Remus knew that everyone preferred Roman over him and that he would become king. So he had to eliminate his competition by assassinating Roman

Remus Prince:
Age: 26
Status: Deceased
Year he died: 1367
Cause of death: Assassination
Information: Remus was Roman's younger, jealous brother who only wanted the throne and the power. But being the younger and less liked brother, he knew that it would be difficult to become king unless he eliminated the competition. So that's exactly what he did. However, when the kingdom discovered what he did, they became furious at him since they loved Roman so much so he was assassinated by the villagers in his kingdom

Deceit Black:
Age: 32
Status: Deceased
Year he died: 1673
Cause of death: Drowning
Information: Deceit was accused of being a witch during the witch trials due to always being so isolated and mysterious. No one really liked him in the village so it's no wonder they all accused him of being a witch. He pleaded his case against not being a witch but since he was known for lying, no one believed him. He was thrown into the river in a sack to see if he was a witch. Supposedly, if he floated he was a witch. Well he was not a witch so drowned which lead to his death.

Virgil Moore:
Age: 14
Status: Deceased
Year he died: 2019
Cause of death: Unknown medical illness
Information: Virgil is the newest ghost to join everybody. He had been sick for quite a while, being rushed in and out of hospital constantly. The doctors were baffled by what exactly his illness was so couldn't get him any treatment, not that his family would be able to afford it anyway. Virgil eventually became so sick that the doctors had no choice but to cut off his life support and end his shirt and miserable life

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