Hogwarts AU

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Taken from my ship roleplay book. Does not have to have a ship. Can be platonic

An AU where person A and person B are both wizards who attend Hogwarts. Feel free to include other characters aside from the characters in the ship but please just stick to Sanders Sides characters and professors

Scenario 1- Person A is a pureblood with a very strict family and person B is a muggleborn. Person A befriends person B but is scared what their parents might say

Scenario 2- Person A and person B are from rivaling houses and are both in the Quidditch team. During a match against eachother, person A accidentally knocks person B off their broom stick and immediately rushes to their aid

Scenario 3- Person A and person B both get a detention and are forced to go into the forbidden forest with just the two of them. (You can make them rivaling houses for this one but it's optional)

Scenario 4- Person A is a prefect and person B is a first year from the same house who just so happens to be a muggleborn. When person A sees person B getting picked on and bullied, they immediately rush to their aid

Scenario 5- Person A and person B are both first years who met on the Hogwarts Express and are now best friends, maybe even more

Scenario 6- Make one up

Below are some suggestions for houses and blood statuses but you do not have to stick to it as it is flexible

Patton- Muggleborn Hufflepuff

Virgil- Halfblood Hufflepuff

Logan- Halfblood Ravenclaw

Roman and Remus (twins)- Pureblood Gryfindoors

Deceit- Pureblood Slytherin

Remy- Muggleborn Gryfindoor

Picani- Halfblood Hufflepuff

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